How To Make Laxatives Work Faster?

April 15, 2018

Jelly Bell

How To Make Laxatives Work Faster?

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Constipation is a problem of the digestive system characterized as fewer than three stools per week. Constipation is common and can affect everyone of all ages. With the development of medicine, laxatives appear as an effective way to treat this nasty symptom.

But the question is how to make laxatives work faster?

We are here to help you. This article discusses all the information provides an overview and discussion to handle your issue.

What are laxatives?

Laxatives are types of medicine, which increase bowel movements and loose feces. They are primarily used for constipation treatment. Laxatives may be orally in the form of capsules, pills, foods, gums, liquids or even be taken through the rectum such as suppositories, and enemas [1]. Besides the use of constipation treatment, laxatives are also used to lose weight. If you are interested in this topic, you could visit BEST LAXATIVES FOR WEIGHT LOSS. You could find how to make laxatives work faster for this purpose there.

Laxatives are types of medicine, which increase bowel movements and loose feces
Laxatives are types of medicine, which increase bowel movements and loose feces

How many groups of laxatives?

There are four main types of laxatives:

Bulking agents

Bulk-forming laxatives, also called roughage, making stool move more efficiently by increasing bulk of the seat and the water content. These substances work in the same way that dietary fiber does typically. They typically take 12 to 72 hours to take effect.

Lubricant agents

These make feces slippery by coating feces with lipids and decrease the colonic absorption of water. They could work within 6–8 hours.

Hyperosmotic agents

These soften the stool by drawing fluids into the intestine so that stool could pass through the digestive system more accessible. They may take up 12-72 hours if being taken orally or 0,25-1 hour if being taken rectally.

Stimulant agents

These substances stimulate the digestive tract walls to propel the stool along by stimulating the nerves that control the intestinal muscles and might be dangerous under certain circumstances. 6-10 hours is the time they need to take effect.

These are four primary types of laxatives and how do they work. Knowing these databases will help you to find the way to make laxatives work faster. Also, you may want to take a look at HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR LAXATIVES TO WORK.

How to make laxatives work faster?

Although the principles work differently, these drugs have the same mechanism that is increasing bowel movements and retaining additional water to make the stool softer. Therefore, these following ways to improve intestinal motility and keep intestinal fluid is the answer for how to make laxatives work faster.

Increase water intake

Drink at least two liters per day is recommended. This will not only soften stools but also ensure your bowel is hydrated. According to some studies, carbonated water has been found to be more effective than tap water. Mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with a ¼ cup of water would be useful.

You should have a cup of warm water with lemon juice

A cup warm water with lemon juice can be typically useful in softening your stools and helping you increase intestinal motility. Mixing about a cup of warm water with one or two teaspoons of lemon juice is the best recipe.

You should have a cup of warm water with lemon juice
You should have a cup of warm water with lemon juice

Add more fiber to your regular diet

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, men should ingest 38 grams of fiber a day while women need to get 25 grams of fiber a day. Eating more fiber is said to increase the bulk and consistency of intestinal motility.

Notwithstanding, some records have claimed that increasing fiber intake can make constipation worse. This is because there are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble.  Soluble fibers absorb water, which softens feces. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stools and makes help them pass quickly through the digestive system as long as you drink enough water.

Soluble fibers are frequently found in fruits, oatmeal, nuts, lentils, and peas. While good sources of insoluble fibers consist of vegetables, wheat bran, and whole grains.

Have caffeinated coffee

The reason is that coffee could stimulate the muscles lining under your digestive system. According to one study, this effect is 23% stronger than drinking decaffeinated coffee and 60% stronger than drinking water [4]. Another reason is that coffee attracts water from the tissues around the intestine since coffee is diuretic and aids in softening stools. Moreover, a little amount of soluble fiber may be found in coffee.

Take probiotic supplements

Probiotics are a group of living microorganisms and living microorganisms, mainly bacteria, added to our dietary to balance intestinal bacteria to improve health. The probiotics help in digesting food by affecting nerves that control gut movement and make it easier to pass a stool. Eating probiotic-containing foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi could be useful.

Mineral oil should help

Mineral oil is a kind of lubricant laxatives. It not only promotes intestinal motility but also keeps the moisture within the stool. Its use has been proven over the years. However, mineral oil should not be taken with meals since it can affect body’s absorption of some significant nutrients. Furthermore, mineral oil takes about eight hours to take action; it is considered to be taken right before bedtime. This is how mineral oil should be used to make laxatives work faster.

Salt Water

The salt-water has been used for centuries to promote bowel movements.  Just add one teaspoon of salt to 60-120 ml of water and swallow it down. Additionally, the salt helps to flush the large intestine.

Smooth move tea

Senna comprises some plant compounds to stimulate your gut and help your body’s natural elimination process. It’s usually considered safe for adults, but not recommended for pregnant women.

How to enhance the effectiveness of laxatives

Processed foods should be avoided

Processed and “fast” foods are probably high in fat but low in fiber and do not provide many important nutrients. If you look at the nutrition fact for processed food, there are artificial components used for various purposes.


One of the risk factors of constipation is a lack of exercises since exercise is significant for gut movements. Exercises could stimulate the contractions of intestinal muscles, which help move waste regularly. Effective exercises for constipation do not require much effort. Just getting up or walking could make differences by helping your digestive system work optimally.

If you have enough time, moderate exercises should be taken at least 3-4 times per week. For example, jogging, swimming or even doing yoga are all great choices.

Pay attention to changes in bowel habits

Most of the normal people defecate 1-2 times per day, however, others may go only 3-5 times per week. Bowel habits seem to be different for everyone. Pay attention to your body’s rhythms, your body says more than you think. As long as your body feels uncomfortable, finding the cause of diseases should be done [2].

After taking an overview how to make laxatives work faster, you surely need to look at some side effect of laxatives to make the right choice. In case, you have tried all methods above, but not effective, reading WHAT TO DO WHEN LAXATIVES DON’T WORK may disentangle.

The side effect of laxatives

The side effects of laxatives are discussed. When being taken in recommended doses, most of them are quite safe. However, overuse of laxative could lead to big problems. Now you will take an overview of all classes of laxatives: 1) bulking agents, 2) lubricant agents, 3) osmotic and 4) stimulant agents.

Bulking laxatives

An excessive number of bulking agents or lack of fluid intake could lead to intestinal obstruction. Some cases of acute dysphasia have been reported after taking bulking laxatives in patients with Parkinson’s disease or with esophageal diseases. More rarely, some reports have shown that large bowel could be obstructed due to the overdose of laxatives.

Lubricant laxatives

Since they do not have chemical activity, their adverse effects are uncommon. The most common issue is that lubricant laxatives could leak from the rectum, especially when being overused, which may dirty clothes or cause itching around the anus. The long-term side effects of lubricants are interfering with the absorption of some specific nutrients and could lead to deficiencies of these substances.

Osmotic laxatives

As mentioned above, osmotic laxatives consist of poor-absorbable cations, anions, and molecules that are not absorbed in the small intestine but metabolized in the large bowel. Therefore, abdominal pain and excessive flatulence may occur as a result of the predominant metabolism of substances such as sorbitol or lactulose.

Ions contained in the osmotic laxatives, which are difficult to be absorbed, are responsible for serious metabolic disorders such as hypermagnesemia, hypercalcemia or hyperphosphatemia.

Stimulant laxatives

They are the most powerful among laxatives, and you should be careful when using it. The most common side effects include weakness, pain, bloody stools, dizziness, and tiredness. Some people may experience vomiting; the problem-solving is here CAN LAXATIVES MAKE YOU THROW UP. Patients may have to depend on stimulant laxatives since it destroys your colon’s haustral fold, which makes it hard to move the stools on their own.

If you are suffering these side effects of laxatives, the article HOW TO STOP LAXATIVES FROM WORKING could help.

Some laxatives foods you have to know

If you are still confused how to make laxatives work faster, these following natural laxatives should be considered [3].


Yogurts and other probiotic foods such as Kimchi, Kombucha, and sauerkraut provide a large number of critical bacteria that balance the microbiological environment inside the intestinal system.


Chia seeds

Based on their high level of fiber, Chia seeds have some beneficial impact on our digestive system. Since Chia seeds absorb water, they are keeping stools moister and easy to pass. Moreover, the fiber in Chia seeds is soluble fiber, which softens stools as mentioned above. There is still no research shows the negative effect of Chia seeds, so eating them is highly recommended.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants used by ancient Indian for constipation treatment.  Aloe Vera leaf is filled with a gel that works as lubricant laxative foods.


Bananas contain a high level of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps bowel functions normally. Eating a banana per day is recommended to maintain your intestinal electrolyte balance due to the high potassium component in bananas. Fructooligosaccharide, which is contained in bananas, can help the good bacteria in the intestinal system proliferate.


Ginger is one of the best natural laxatives for hundreds of years. It helps the elimination to proceed quickly by relaxing the intestinal tract. Many laxative teas may consist of dried ginger.

Coconut oil

Studies have found that coconut oil may not only help prevent the colon and digestive tract from damage but also prevent dehydration.

For stronger homemade laxatives, check it at HOMEMADE LAXATIVES.


In the above article, we have discussed how to make laxatives work faster. Constipation may be a nasty and sometimes an annoying symptom of life. However, with the help of medicine and traditional methods, this problem could be resolved quickly. Keep in mind that laxatives relieve the symptoms without treating the cause of the disease, make an appointment with your medical professional if the situation gets worse. Hope this article has answered what you are looking for.

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