How Long Does It Take For Acne To Go Away?

November 30, 2017

Hannah Hall

How Long Does It Take For Acne To Go Away?

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Have you ever wondered “How long does it take for acne to go away”? The answer is not easy to be found. It varies due to the existence of multiple acne types and situations. A minor disease could disappear quickly, but if it is an inflammation, it needs much time to recover. And likewise, the acne, the treatment of acne is not a matter of a few days. Instead, acne requires time and effort to be healed.

Acne is a result of many skin problems. One of the causes involves the lack of moisture. Therefore, if your skin type is dry and you are suffering from acne, found BEST MOISTURIZER FOR ACNE here.

About acne

To know how long does it take for acne to go away, you should have an in-depth into it. In fact, over 80 percent of teenagers in America gets into trouble with acne. It is one of the most worrying skin problems and directly affects our appearance.

Besides being aware of its causes, it is also necessary to know how long does it take for acne to go away as well as how to treat it properly. Known as a skin disease, acne is common among teenagers. Signs of acne can be unexpected pimples and spots on the face, chest, neck or back. Although it leads to no dangers, it leaves skin scars that make us feel unconfident at all.

what is acne

There are five main types of acne. They are nodules, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and pimples. Therefore, its treatment will depend on how severe the acne situation will be and what type of acne is.

The exact causes of acne is still unknown. However, most apparent factors triggering acne include certain medications, unsuitable skincare and cosmetics products, menstrual cycle, stress, sweating, and hormonal factors [2].

You also should know that acne is not infectious and dangerous. Nevertheless, it has an emotional side. This means that both male and female who get acne feels stressed and depressed all the time.

How long does it take for acne to go away?

We all wish pimples and acne to go away quickly. But, things are not simple as you think. As we mentioned previously, there are different types of acne. You should consider each type and review the situation to prepare a right treatment.

acne is irritating

An acne breakout, you may never imagine, can be much miserable than you could ever think. With just some small pimples and spots that appear for the first time on your face, they can spread unstoppably without a suitable cure.

As usual, it might take you between 7 weeks to 13 weeks to get rid of acne entirely. The specific period mostly depends on how severe your acne is, how your current environment affects your skin and what type of medications you take [2].

A perfect acne healing requires an in-depth knowledge, patient, and gradual process to observe the progress. Most of us would expect the acne to disappear in a couple of days. However, if you are too hasty, the situation will get worse. This has become a mistake for many people who want to control acne. So, the only advice is to be patient and treat it gently and gradually.

So how long does it take for acne to go away? The duration differs from one type of acne to one another and from one person to another as well as its severity.

To be more specific:

  • A pimple without a head is known red bump. This kind of acne would last from two to seven days and then go away.
  • Common pimples would last around two weeks and then gradually to be cleared up.
  • For those who unfortunately experience deep-seated cyst can feel stressed as this type of acne could last up to 30 days before dying down.

Besides above common acne situations, some also have to suffer from a severe breakout which would take much longer than usual to cure. A breakout includes three main levels mild, moderate and cystic acne.

While mild acne such as whiteheads and blackheads takes one to two weeks to treat, severe acne with large bumps filled with pus is irritating and hard to heal. As regards the methods to cure acne, you can handle the simple acne by yourself; whereas, a severe one needs the doctor’s advice and meticulous medications. In this case, you should be careful.

With those who are experiencing unexpected blackheads, it is very irritating to notice them on the face. The reason is that blackheads on nose and cheeks often last for a lifetime if you don’t do anything to remove them. Don’t be afraid! We provide BEST BLACKHEAD REMOVERS to help you treat your skin well.

Only by going to see a doctor or dermatologist could you receive the right treatment. Sometimes, you even need a surgical procedure if your cystic acne cannot be cured by usual methods.

different acne types

Cystic acne is probably the hardest type to treat. Compared the others, it takes much time to heal. After a least 30 days, they seem to go away but just a little bit. It still requires a careful treatment and special care.

Unlike regular pimples which take place when a pore gets clogged, cystic acne takes longer to go away because it is a kind of infection that goes deep into your skin. Cystic acne can cause you to hurt and itch. Unfortunately, if it bursts, it can spread at a speed of light, thereby leading to more desperate breakouts.

Some useful medications for acne to go away

After getting to know “how long does it take for acne to go away?” you will be well aware of what you should do for each type of acne. Here, we want to show you some helpful ways to get rid of pimples and acne as fast as possible.

Stick to Retinoid

For a long time, retinoid has been a reliable anti-acne product used by tons of people. By using retinoid, you can also find out the answer to “how long does it take for acne to go away?” Because you will be able to end the acne situation when using retinol correctly.

There are so many reasons that dermatologists suggest using the retinoid for treating acne instead of other methods. Retinoid is very good at solving lousy skin concerns. You will have a better look with healthier skin, a more natural appearance and youthful looking.

Are you ready to say goodbye to acne? Retinoid is efficient in combating acne as it has the function to soothe the inflammation, get rid of dead skin cells and leaving a smooth complexion by helping pores smaller and smaller day by day. After acne has gone away, retinoid also enables your skin scars to become lighter and lighter.

using retinoid for treating acne

If you are too familiar with retinoid, you must know that it is a crucial ingredient to fight against aging signs of mature skin. Regardless of acne, bumps or wrinkles, it is always the best choice ever. This ingredient is rich in antioxidants will be your best companion in the path to look for a beautiful and ageless skin.

Note: Thanks to loads of scientific support as well as recommendations from skin experts, retinoid has become a top must-try ingredient. By using it, you can decide “how long does it take for acne to go away?” However, every coin has two sides and likewise the retinol. You can make most of benefits from it, but if you don’t use properly, you can easily make mistakes with it.

The only wrong thing people often have with retinoids is that they put too much at one time. Our best suggestion is just to use a pea-size amount for the whole face. If you use too much, you are likely to suffer from redness, irritation, and high skin sensitiveness. The thing you are supposed to do is to consult your skin expert or dermatologist.

Consider salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has been gaining an ever-increasing credit in treating acne efficiently on oily skin. Why is this ingredient helpful in battling acne? The answer lies in its ability to eradicate redness and inflammation. Salicylic acid – an exfoliant ingredient successfully relieving pains and is usually recommended for oily skin as excess oil and skin sebum will be eliminated. This ingredient functions to make our skin develop quicker by promoting cell turnover.

Additionally, it does an excellent job of breaking the skin layer that clogs the sebaceous gland – a cause of acne and pimple. This process ends with incredible results when the blister begins to heal thanks to salicylic acid.

There is no denying that salicylic acid is a multi-tasker, especially when it is recorded to be a safe and helpful treatment for acne. Amazing outcomes has been proved such as a cleaner and clearer clean, a more even-toned skin surface and the gradual disappearance of darks spots or scars.

Like other acne treating methods, it does not works best for the first time. Therefore, you are advised to use on a regular basis. However, there is still a thing to note. Salicylic acid can cause mild irritation. So, when you see this situation happen. You should reduce the frequency or even discontinue it.

In addition to the above-mentioned medical treatments, there are some notes that you should keep in mind. If you know how long does it take for acne to go away, but does not realize the right sunscreen, makeup and moisturizer exclusively for acne skin, all your attempts to cure acne will be wasted.

Our best advice is to choose a product labeled ‘non-comedogenic” or “oil-free”. Moreover, you should keep your hair and related-hair products away from your face because these can be a cause of your acne to become worse.

use proper product

For acne skin, do not wash the face more than two times per day. Remember to clean gently without irritating the severe acne area.

Methods that apply for mild or moderate acne does not work best for the cystic one. A severe acne requires a stronger and proper treatment to alleviate the situation. As recommended by dermatologists, we have listed some effective ways and products to help with cystic acne.

Oral antibiotics

Inflammation is the key point of a cystic acne. If you want to combat this kind of pimples, you are supposed to deal with inflammation. And, oral antibiotics is here to help ease inflammation as well as eliminate bacteria [1]. However, not all types of inflammation respond quickly to antibiotics. Consequently, you have to wait for so long to receive a good result. Be patient!


Isotretinoin has been popularly known by many people, especially among those with frequent acne. It is one of the most highly advised dosages to take a pill. The period for a pill at once or twice for around six months after a thorough health checkup by doctors and dermatologists. The result is recorded after four months of using. Nevertheless, pregnant women should never use this medication because it could seriously affect your baby [1].


Why do we mention regularity as a treating method for acne here? You are also the person who knows “how long does it take for acne to go away?” This depends on your patience and regularity of using medications.

In case, you concentrate on a single medication, the only way to make it function well is to apply regularly and continuously with a right amount. Particularly, you are required to follow doctor prescription strictly to avoid unexpected side effects.

Also, read the instructions carefully and do not use too much at one time. For example, if the direction tells you to apply a gel or cream one a day, just stick to it and avoid using more than one time. When you use more than that, your skin will end up with undesirable redness and irritation. In the same way, you should not forget to use the treatment as if you miss it just one time; you will get no result.


Everyone was born to be naturally beautiful. If you unfortunately get into trouble with acne, just keep calm and deal with it step by step. By understanding your acne, you can know the right method to use and proper products to get along.

With our above recommendations on medications, you will have more knowledge and thus, control acne better. Your acne will go away as quickly as possible, and you achieve a more confidently flawless looking.

Spots and blemishes on the face are the worst things ever. Therefore, it came as no surprise when dermatologists and doctors are frequently asked: “How long does it take for acne to go away”? Hence, besides our advice, set up a healthy lifestyle, relax and exercise to avoid acne.

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