Can You Take Probiotics And Antibiotics At The Same Time?

February 25, 2018

Jelly Bell

Can You Take Probiotics And Antibiotics At The Same Time?

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If you are on the course of antibiotics therapy, you may be experiencing the adverse effects of this medication, especially antibiotic-associated diarrhea. They can be reasons to make you stop taking these medications. However, taking probiotics during the antibiotic course can resolve a part of this problem because they help maintain the balance of your digestive system.

So how do probiotics help with antibiotic therapy and can you take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time? Keep reading to find out.

Antibiotics and what are they prescribed for?

Antibiotics are the medicines that help to stop infections caused by bacteria, fungi or some specific parasites. They do this by interfering the copy and reproduction of microorganisms and killing them. Antibiotics are often prescribed to prevent infection after surgery.

However, some viral infections such as the flu, sore throats, coughs and common cold are also prescribed by the doctors for antibiotic therapy, and of course, they can not be cured efficiently and cause antibiotic resistance if taking for a long time in many cases.

Can you take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time?

Why can you need to take both antibiotics and probiotics?

Your body contains trillions of bacteria. When you are taking antibiotics, it means that they eliminate both friendly and unfriendly microorganisms that exist in your system at the same time regardless their benefits.

So if you have to take antibiotics for long periods of time due to an infection, this destruction cause the imbalance ecosystem in your gut and causes a variety of gastrointestinal problems. According to the statistic, the most complain related to taking antibiotics is diarrhea for a long time after taking antibiotics and this is also a reason that makes patients stop their antibiotic course.

Because of the above causes, probiotics which is a kind of health-promoting bacteria and yeasts are recommended by the doctors to use accompanied by antibiotics to restore your healthy digestive function and decrease the side effects of antibiotics.

In case, you haven’t decided on the best probiotics for you. Don’t worry! We’ve listed BEST PROBIOTICS FOR MEN here.

In one study, it was shown that there was ten percent lower risk of suffering antibiotic-associated diarrhea with adults and children who took probiotics during antibiotic course [4].

So can you take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time? It is the question of many people.

How do probiotics help during antibiotic therapy?

By restoring the helpful microorganisms that are destroyed by antibiotics, probiotics help regenerate the gastrointestinal tract and bring it to normal function. These beneficial bacteria release the harmful substances against the harmful bacteria and compete for the place on the intestine wall with them. This slows down the growth and proliferation of unfriendly microorganisms.

Moreover, taking probiotics can also strengthen your immune system function to help fight the illnesses better and prevent the future diseases.

The articles HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR PROBIOTICS TO WORK will provide you the more explicit activity mechanism of probiotics in your system.

Can probiotics make antibiotics less efficient?

If you are wondering whether to take probiotics and whether it may inhibit or reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics or not when they take them at the same time.  The answer is that antibiotics will be unaffected by the probiotics if you follow your doctor’s instructions correctly.

In fact, probiotics prevent the individuals from experiencing the side effects of antibiotics; thus they help the patients be more likely to complete the antibiotic treatment efficiently. In addition to antibiotics, read DO PROBIOTICS INTERACT WITH ANY MEDICATIONS to understand more in detail.

Please keep reading to know when you should take antibiotics and probiotics: at the same time, before or after.

When should you take probiotics during antibiotic therapy?

Can you take probiotics and antibiotics at the precisely same time? Or, should you take probiotics before or after antibiotics? Probiotics are considered as safe supplements can bring many health benefits, but when you take them combined with antibiotics, please do not take these two products simultaneously to get the best result.

Following four tips below, you can take probiotics and antibiotics most powerfully.

  • Give antibiotics the spacing

Taking probiotics and antibiotics at the same time can cause interaction between them. Thus, to prevent the interaction between two these products, the general recommendation is to take probiotics two hours before or after taking your antibiotics. This spacing gives antibiotics sufficient time to pass through our intestines and move into the bloodstream. Thus by the time you take probiotics, your gut becomes friendly again and does not destroy the friendly bacteria.

  • Choose the most appropriate probiotic products

Because the safety of probiotics, if you are not combating the infection, you can also supply probiotics everyday. However, it is necessary for you to consume it in case you are on antibiotic treatment.

A high-quality formula, including the familiar and common bacteria families like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and an enteric-coat formula that ensures the survival of live bacteria through the acid environment into your digestive tract  are highly recommended.

There are many types of probiotic formula. You can find the BEST PROBIOTICS FOR CONSTIPATION compared to for other digestive disorders. Remember to visit your doctor to choose the appropriate type for you.

  • Do not stop taking probiotics after completing antibiotic therapy

Your gut may need to a whole year to come back its balance, thus do not stop supply probiotics when the antibiotic course finishes. Keep taking the probiotic formula to reinstate your gut and your healthy well-being.

Do not stop taking probiotics after completing antibiotic therapy
Do not stop taking probiotics after completing antibiotic therapy
  • Consume a variety of probiotic sources

Taking probiotic supplement is a priority for a person who is on antibiotic treatment, but other sources of probiotic can also support your system a lot.

Recommend some probiotic-rich foods you can supply during antibiotic course

The number of people that are taking probiotic products to improve illnesses or enhance the overall health is increasingly high. Consuming probiotics is safe, but you still should consult your doctor before adding any supplements to get the best result. Here are the top probiotic foods you should pay attention.


Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics, especially handmade from the milk of goats, sheep or cows. It is fermented from two strains of friendly bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus [5].

Consuming yogurt a range of benefits like improving bone functions, reducing antibiotic-associated diarrhea for children ore easing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome [6].

Click IS YOGURT GOOD FOR CONSTIPATION to discover more about the great effect of yogurt.


Kefir is a fermented probiotic drink which made from goats or cows milk and fermented kefir grains. It is a culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Kefir brings a lot of health benefits such as improve health bone, digestive disorders and fight infection.

Sauerkraut and Kimchi

Sauerkraut and Kimchi are made from cabbage and other vegetables and have been fermented by lactic acid bacteria. While sauerkraut is very popular in Europe countries, Kimchi is the traditional food in Korea.

Both of two these foods contain not only probiotics but also enzymes, vitamin C, B, K and a high amount of minerals which can aid digestion and enhance the well-being.

Apple cider vinegar

The APPLE CIDER VINEGAR can also be considered as A PROBIOTIC FOOD and is linked to many health benefits like controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes [7],[8]


Miso is a traditional Japanese food made by fermenting soybean with salt and a type of fungus. It is an excellent source of protein and fiber. Miso consists of the high amount of minerals, vitamins and poly nutrients.

The health benefits come from eating miso is the lower risk of breast cancer in Japan women and the reduced risk of stroke.


You may have to take antibiotics to treat your diseases at any point in life, and they sometimes bring you some adverse effects. Taking probiotics during the antibiotic course is helpful to prevent those undesirable consequences. “Can you take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time?” is the essential question that you should explore and taking them together but not simultaneously is considered as the best and most exact answer.

If you have any unclear things in your mind, do not hesitate to ask us. We are always ready to help you.

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