Can You Ovulate Without A Period?

March 7, 2018

Veronica Phan

Can You Ovulate Without A Period?

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Period causes a number of an uneasy going problem while being indispensable in almost life’s aspects such as sexuality, reproductive system, endocrine balance
ability. But if no period within two months, what’s wrong with your body?

Are you pregnant? Can you ovulate without a period? Or what are the signs which indicate that you have ovulation? Do you always ovulate when you have menstruation? All of these related questions will be cleared up below.  


What is ovulation?

Ovulation means the release of one or more follicles from ovaries which will become mature eggs, moves to the uterus and wait for the sperms coming for
fertilization [1].

Ovulation is the golden point for a couple who want to plan for baby- making, but on the other hand, the dead point for a couple who are not expecting a newborn baby.

Ovulation along with menstruation is known as the primary demonstration of a healthy reproductive system in a woman’s body. Accompanying with a number of problems
relating to ovulation and menstrual cycle, such as ovulation pain, cramps before the period; they are indispensable factors contributing to a woman’s healthy sexual and reproductive life.

But “can you ovulate without a period?” is another matter to all of women who are expecting a baby or not. So spend your time in this content is not a waste, though.

Moreover, you can read the articles IS IT NORMAL TO HAVE CRAMPS BEFORE PERIODS and CRAMPS AFTER PERIOD to discover more about these problems, as well as the tips to get over them.

What is period?

Menstruation is known as the vaginal bleeding which is caused by the endometrium shedding inside the womb [2]. Because the menstruation specifically appears once a month and occurs in several days, menstruation is also called menstrual cycle or basically a period.

For a teenager girl, it is also known as the mature mark of a girl who comes into
puberty. The body develops due to the influence of endocrines such as estrogen
and progesterone and each of them has its own mission in menstruation start.

Estrogen plays an important role in triggering the puberty duration in the girl which includes breast growth, as well as the body fat accumulating around the hip area. On the other hand, progesterone is considered as an antagonistic agent which is able to control the concentration of estrogen because estrogen can lead to the uterus cancer.

There are various hypotheses and concepts about the mechanism of having vaginal bleeding but most of them are relatable to the concentration of progesterone and estrogen during menstruation.

When the follicle is stimulated by a hormone excreted from the hypothalamus, estrogen level also rises up. Along with the development of follicle, progesterone is also released. Estrogen and progesterone then trigger series of changes happening in the uterus.

Ovulation calendar
Ovulation calendar

However, according to the most admitted concept, the feedback mechanism leading to the sudden dropping out of estrogen and progesterone results in vaginal bleeding which is known as menstruation.

All of these information has shown up that period and ovulation are relevant. So how can it be possible for “can you ovulate without a period?”. And is it true when you ovulate every month with the occurrence of the period? Let’s check it out.

Do you ovulate whenever you have a period?

The answer is no. Menstruation can be divided into 2 types: menstruation with mature egg release and anovulatory cycle which is known as menstruation without egg release.

As mentioned before, menstruation occurs when it has the sudden decreased estrogen and progesterone. However, the corpus luteum which is known as a follicle ripped from the egg is responsible for excreting progesterone, so how can
vaginal bleeding happen without progesterone?

In fact, the decreased amount of estrogen can trigger menstruation itself. Estrogen plays an important role in hyperplasia of uterus lining to prepare an ideal environment for sperm to meet the mature egg. If there is no mature egg leaving ovaries or even there has no sperm for a fertilization, estrogen still thicken
the uterus. After estrogen level decreases, this thick endometrium will shed
and go out of your womb with blood.  

This is the explanation why you can also have menses- the other name of menstruation without ovulation.  But in contrast, can you ovulate without a period? How can you realize that you have ovulation with menstruation and without menstruation? Let’s have a look at this content below and find out the answer yourself.

Which subjects are more prone not to have ovulation? Pregnant women and girls who are using birth- control pills constantly will not ovulate. Or women who are in the premenopausal and menopausal duration have less ability to ovulate. The women who have some problems or disorder like polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to have discontinued ovulation for a time.

Can you ovulate without a period?

The rise and decline of estrogen and progesterone which trigger a new menstruation mostly depend on 2 hormones which are secreted by the pituitary gland. However, these hormones are proved to stimulate the follicle in ovaries to become a mature egg, so how can you ovulate without a period? Let us explain it.

Usually, at the beginning of a menstruation, 2 types of hormones named FSH and LH are secreted from pituitary gland. These hormones were proved to stimulate the follicles in ovaries to become into an ovum. Then estrogen and progesterone are also excreted more at a peak level.  

In this time, estrogen impacts on the endometrium and make it generate much to prepare for a period. And after several days, when both estrogen and progesterone level decrease, vaginal bleeding happen because of the lining shed of the womb.

Nevertheless, there are some proper reasons which make period not occur although the ovulation has already appeared before. For example, the low dose estrogen for the woman who is having vasomotor can make the estrogen level not able to reach the peak; therefore, menstruation will not happen.

In the other case, over exercise can stop the period. Or you are on a diet which makes your BMI drop remarkably and prevents your period from occurring.

Stress also proves that the answer for “Can you ovulate without a period?” is possible because stress hormone cortisol affects on how much estrogen and progesterone will be produced and lead to the lack of menstruation.

Each individual is different, and so do their menstruations. Some people have trouble with their reproductive system that does not allow them to have menstruation once a month or every 28 days.

On the other hand, there are several factors which can affect the health status of the reproductive system, such as anxiety, stress, medication, and even the change in the physiological routine.

Because of all these above factors, menstruation happens earlier or later than expected or
even disappear for a while. So the question is can you ovulate without a period. The answer is yes.

Since the ovulation occurs 12- 14 days earlier than menstruation, some problems can come
up with your estrogen and progesterone level which make them not able to start
a new menstrual cycle then leading to the answer of “can you ovulate without a period?” yes.

What are the sign and symptom of ovulation? How can you know that you have ovulation?

The reason why you want to know “Can you ovulate without a period?” may be different. Some of you are trying to conceive which does not require you to achieve sexual intercourse every day. In addition, you have irregular menstruation and you are wondering about “Can you ovulate without a period?”.

On the other hand, knowing and calculating an exact time of ovulation can help you get
out of trouble with kids and marriage. Therefore, the answer for “Can you ovulate
without a period?” is so wanted. So how can you know you are more prone to have fertilization or ovulation, in the other way?

As you know that ovulation without a period can happen, moreover, ovulation often occurs
earlier than the ovulatory or anovulatory menstruation; therefore, the
prediction about the ovulation, as well as realizing the signs and symptoms of
your body in the ovulation time does not require you to depend much on the
menstrual cycle.

Changes in cervical mucus

Just focusing on your cervical mucus, you can understand and know more about your uterus condition. In this case, the wet, clear, and stretchable cervical mucus is considered as the perfect environment for sperm to swim into the uterus for fertilization. It’s the time of ovulation.

On the other hand, dry, sticky and all other cervical mucus which is not stretchable
indicates that ovulation is not happening right now.

We highly recommend you to read DISCHARGE BEFORE PERIOD AND ITS MESSAGE TO YOU as your cervical and vaginal mucus are the precise detectors for any abnormalities in your reproductive system.

Uncomfortable feeling

The breast, pelvic, and lower abdomen are the common body parts which you can see the signs of ovulation. When your breast and nipple becomes more sensitive, soreness, it might be sure that you are having ovulation.

In addition, some women can feel the pain in the ovulation duration when the egg gets out of
a follicle inside the ovaries and travel downs the uterus through the fallopian
tube. But how can it move? Walk on foot, no. The contraction in the tube
happens to help the egg move and incidentally causes an ovulation pain.

You can get more information about the ovulation pain in HOW LONG DOES OVULATION PAIN LAST, also. Knowing what ovulation pain should last can help you know
when your body is in trouble.

How to predict and calculate the ovulation?

You have known the answer for “Can you ovulate without a period?” is possible. But you still wonder how can you know you will have ovulation while realizing the ovulation period does not work out. Monitoring some specific feature in your body is the most popular method for you to follow up and calculate ovulation.

Basal body temperature chart

Can you ovulate without a period
Basal body temperature chart

By monitoring the basal temperature with a digital thermometer, you can realize
the ovulation time easily and correctly. You should start monitoring your body
temperature at rest on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

When the basal temperature line drops, ovulation is happening inside your body. Then
there will be a sudden rise in the body temperature indicating it’s over for ovulation which is about 0.4 to 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit higher than normal.

This means that it’s your time to have an opportunity for ovulation time when your body
temperature decreases. Furthermore, after 3 days of raising the temperature, some couples have no worry about the high-risk pregnancy. Here we have HOW LONG DOES OVULATION SPOTTING LAST for you to achieve more information about the ovulating period.

In order to measure the basal body temperature, you should sleep at less 6 hours a day, and
remember that your body temperature can rise and fall a little bit, around 1 degree Fahrenheit. So keep monitoring and believe in this sustained result to confirm that you are having ovulation or not.

Menstrual monitoring

You may not know whether you will have menstruation next time, but there’s another
inexpensive and easy way for you to know what is the time of ovulation thanks
to the several previous menstrual cycles. If you record your menstrual calendar
and know that you have a regular cycle, around 14th day of a cycle might be a
correct ovulation point.

Ovulation kit

Some hormones are specific to some points and duration in your lifetime. For
example, HCG which appears in the placenta is the most common hormone used to
detect the sign of pregnancy. And LH- luteinizing hormone, a hormone raises up
as a sign of ovulation.

In case you have a regular cycle, measure the LH concentration in your urine sample and
wait for a while. If the color of the line appearing in the ovulation stick is
more likely to the shade color on the instruction, it is possible that you have
ovulation in about 24 to 48 next hours.

Each kit usually has 5 sticks for 5-day testing to achieve the most accurate ovulating result. But consider the expiration date before using.

How to have a regular menstrual cycle?

Usually, people who want to know “Can you ovulate without a period?” either want to conceive or want to have a “safe” intercourse. However, having no period means not safe for these girls.
So how to overcome this disorder?

If you already have irregular menstruation since puberty, the best advice for you is to have a visit to the doctor to find out the problems, as well as the solution for your condition. Because irregular menstruation can be a sign of many severe problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome and hypothalamus dysfunction leading to difficult conceiving attempt.

But if you know that this sensitive system reacts to your lifestyle, decrease all the
obstacles to protect your reproductive system and the sexual health, also.
Enough sleep and rest, appropriate nutrition habit, and finally safety
intercourse can be the best way to bring your menstruation back. And one more
important thing, avoid the stress.


Hopefully, after reading the answer for “Can you ovulate without a period?”, you can understand more about your body and how to solve problems referring to your reproductive system for the best conceptive or contraceptive expectation.

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