How To Get Rid Of A Bunion: Natural Remedies And Conventional Treatments

June 20, 2018

Jelly Bell

How To Get Rid Of A Bunion: Natural Remedies And Conventional Treatments

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You might have heard the old people complain about their bunions. But, do you know that a bunion is a common condition, and everyone can get it, even kids?

Normally, you are not aware of them, or simply you learn how to live with them. If so, the great pain and discomfort come definitively. And soon, you feel uncomfortable, irritated and painful.   

How to get rid of a bunion?

We’re sure that everyone comes here for an accurate answer. Why do you have to wait? Follow us now!

What is a bunion?

The first and foremost thing that you should understand before learning how to get rid of a bunion is all about its definition.

A bunion has a medical name of Hallux Valgus and is described as a lumpy and bony abnormality created at the base joint of the big toe. When bunions are developed at the joint of the big toe, they tend to push towards and become enlarged

Bunion is a lumpy and bony abnormality created at the base joint of the big toe
Bunion is a lumpy and bony abnormality created at the base joint of the big toe

Commonly, the development of bony point happens slowly as well as causing more and more pain gradually.

In the beginning, you might recognize that your big toe is inward a bit while the outer edge is swollen and your foot turns red. Shortly, you will feel pain when standing up, exercising, and wearing shoes.

Although both men and women can develop bunions, women are likely to have more often because they often wear constricting shoes. High heels are one of the examples that can squeeze their toes together, prevent the big toe’s normal range of movement, and diminish blood flow [1].

What causes a bunion?

Since the exact cause is not known, it’s believed different factors cause bunions. So, if you want to know how to get rid of a bunion, you should find out common causes [2].

Deformities present at birth (congenital)

Congenital means present at birth while deformity implies an issue with the shape of a body part.

Sometimes, bunions are discovered in infants at the time of birth. This is known as a birth abnormality caused by genetics. Or additional stress during pregnant period might form instability in the joints between the big toe and foot.


If a member of your family has bunions, it might result in the abnormal foot function and then the growth of bunions. This inherited factor is common in youngsters. But, the genetic inheritance is not reckoned to be the only cause of bunions because some with bunions don’t have any family members with this issue.


Some types of arthritis might cause bunions, including:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is the pain and inflammation in the joints where the lining of your joints is attacked, and even your immune system is suffered.
  • Psoriatic arthritis is related to the skin condition such as psoriasis.
  • Gout is known as a type of arthritis that might influence your big toe badly.

Additionally, both arthritis and bunions have the potential to cause each other. While arthritis might result in the appearance of bunions, a complication of bunions is arthritis.

Foot injuries

Each foot includes 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If one of them has any problem such as sprains, fractures or even nerve injuries, all might lead to the painful developing bunion.

Excessive weight

When your excessive weight falls on your feet and joints, the imbalance in the pressure will make the joint of your big toe unstable. Furthermore, it shapes the joints and makes it tense and tight. And this leads to a bunion.

Excessive weight can cause bunion
Excessive weight can cause bunion

Allow us to explain more!

According to a survey by the AOFAS Public Education Committee, the issues between ankle and foot can be connected to a person’s weight and body mass (BMI).

Nearly 41% overweight participants tended to get the onset of their foot pain. Even, those who had foot surgery or previously diagnosed about foot and ankle pain seemed to have a higher BMI. And all result in the most common foot ailments called bunions [3].

Uncomfortable shoes

Since women usually wear tight-fitting shoes like high heels or shoes with a pointed toe, developing bunions is common in women than men.  

Tight shoes will rub against the joint of the big toe and make it to remain in a curved position. Moreover, wearing will stretch the toe, bring pressure on the nerves surrounding, and result in pain.  What’s more, wearing high heels squeezes the feet as well as pushing the body weight forward, putting the strain on the joints of the toe.

What are symptoms of a bunion?

Determining common symptoms of bunions is also a MUST before learning how to get rid of a bunion.

Normally, the main symptom is a big bump sticking out from the base of the big toe, making your big toe point inward toward the other toes. But, it’s sometimes hard to discover a bunion. Even, you are bearing the pain and just consider it as a simple condition of the natural structure of the foot.

So, please take a look at the following symptoms below to recognize the bunions at an early stage.

  • A big bony lump is jutting out at the base of the big toe.
  • Swelling, redness, inflammation, pain or burning sensation surrounding the big toe joints.
  • Persistent or intermittent pain is surrounding the big toe.
  • Calluses and corns created over the bump.
  • More pain when wearing shoes or standing up too long.
  • Hurt and tenderness in the joint of the big toe that aggravates while exercising or walking.  
  • Inflexibility of the toe.
  • Change in the foot structure, making it hard to walk and wear shoes.

After having a background knowledge of bunions, it’s time to find out how to get rid of a bunion.

In the next part, we will show you 2 excellent ways including natural remedies and conventional treatments. Make sure you read each method carefully so that you can choose the best one.

Don’t hesitate anymore! Here we are!

How to get rid of a bunion with natural remedies (without surgery)?

It’s best to cure bunions in time. That means when discovering any symptoms related to this condition, you need to treat it instantly. If not, symptoms might get worse, and you have to be cured by surgery.

Fortunately, there are a few of natural remedies on how to get rid of a bunion that can be performed effectively, including:

  • Home remedies
  • Essential oils
  • Foot exercises
  • Lifestyle changes

Let’s start and remember to note essential points in this part [4]!

Home remedies for a bunion

Relieve pain with cold compresses

Applying cold compresses, ice packs or ice cubes is an easy yet useful way to relieve pain and inflammation of bunions [5]. So, if you have any problems with bunions, the first thing you should remember is not to make it swollen. And the best way is to use cold compresses.

How to get rid of a bunion with this method?

  • Firstly, use a mild soap to clean and keep your feet fresh.
  • Then wrap some ice cubes in a thin towel or washcloth.
  • After that, put it on your bunion for 5-10 minutes and repeat 2-3 times until you feel alleviation.
  • Remember to perform anytime you feel hurt.

A BIG note for using cold compresses is not to apply ice directly on your skin and over 15 minutes, or it might hurt your foot skin.

Take a warm bath for your feet

Feel tired? Get poor blood circulation?

Well, both make your bunion develop quickly and bring more pain. Hence, you need to soak your feet in warm water to improve the bloodstream instantly.

Take a warm bath for your feet for the blood to circulate well
Take a warm bath for your feet for the blood to circulate well

What you should prepare is a big bowl filled with lukewarm water. Then place your feet there for 20 minutes. Or you can add some essential oils (we will mention later) or bath salt to the water to give your feet a home-spa therapy.

And after 20 minutes, you will feel an instant relief since a warm bath is effectively to lessen the swelling and pain.  

Use natural ingredients


Turmeric is known as the best method on how to get rid of a bunion since it has a compound called curcumin that is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. That’s why it can lessen pain and inflammation of your feet. Of course, it’s also helpful for other issues like arthritis.

How to use it?

  • Mix a spoon of turmeric with a glass of the lukewarm water well and drink it 2-3 times a day.
  • Or mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply this mixture on your affected area. Then leave it about 20 minutes before washing with cold water. Perform 2-3 times a day to treat bunions in 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Additionally, you can use curcumin capsules, but please read the instructions carefully.

Marigold (also called calendula) is a helpful herb treatment for painful bunions because it holds anti-inflammatory properties. These active ingredients help to lessen the swelling of the foot as well as preventing other foot diseases like calluses and corns.

According to a study, using marigold can totally remove pain in patients with bunions and decrease swelling by over 25%.

How to get rid of a bunion with marigold exactly?

  • Mix 1 cup of fresh marigold petals and 1 cup of olive oil in a pan.
  • Boil this mixture for 2 hours on the medium heat. Avoid using high temp because it will damage the ingredient of marigold.
  • Let the mixture get cold a bit before applying a small amount directly on your bunions.
  • After that, massage for 15-20 minutes. And remember to perform 2-3 times every day within 2 weeks.
Marigold is a helpful herb treatment
Marigold is a helpful herb treatment
Cayenne pepper

Since cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which also includes anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, this natural ingredient is beneficial for lessening the bunion’s size and pain effectively. But, avoid using too much, or your feet feel a stinging sensation.

So, the best way on how to get rid of a bunion with cayenne pepper is:

  • Cut a cayenne pepper in half and then rub them into your bunion. In case you want to hold the helpful substances longer, try to use petroleum jelly or beeswax and then protect with a bandage.
  • Or you can make your own cream with this ingredient. Mix powdered cayenne pepper with ginger root powder and water to create a creamy consistency. Then apply it on your bunion and let it sit about 20-30 minutes.

However, if there are scratches or open wounds, avoid using because it only increases the swelling.

Bay leaves

Using bay leaves is another great way to treat bunions and their development because this plant includes ingredients that can break salt deposits in your body. Moreover, these active ingredients might work from the outside and inside of the body to deal with bunion pain and inflammation.

But, how to get rid of a bunion correctly? Below are two methods that you can follow.

Method 1

Crush bay leaves about one tablespoon and mix them with a cup of water. Bring it to boil about 2 or 3 minutes, then pour this mixture in a flask and leave it overnight.

Before drinking it the morning, you need to strain and divide it into 3 small portions for a day. Repeat for 3 days and make sure you prepare the fresh mixture every day. After that, begin the treatment after a week and last it within 2 months.

And just after 10 days, you will feel relief in the pain. Additionally, don’t be surprised when you experience constant urines since this treatment is diuretic.

Method 2

Pour 5 bay leaves in a cup of alcohol (96% pure) and keep it for a week.

One week later, let’s mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and warm water to soak your feet. After minutes, dry your feet and apply the mixture on the bunion. Remember to strain the leaves before using. After that, wear cotton socks.


Similar to the natural ingredients above, rue is deemed as a powerful anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Since it’s popular for treating arthritis, rheumatic diseases, and osteoarthritis, it also works excellent for bunions.

To use rue on how to get rid of a bunion, you only fill a recipient with lukewarm water and rue before soaking your feet about 15 minutes. Then enjoy a relaxing bath to alleviate the inflammation and pain. Do frequently, and the best results will be seen within 1 or 2 weeks.

Ginger can do good to a bunion well
Ginger can do good to a bunion well

If you learn how to get rid of a bunion with cayenne pepper, you should know ginger can do the same thing as well. It’s because this ingredient holds capsaicin that might help to lessen swelling and discomfort of bunions.

The first way is to take fresh ginger root in your diet or use it when cooking or drink ginger tea. The second way is to massage the bunion with ginger oil within 15 minutes every day.


Since chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to decrease the swelling, pain, and inflammation of bunions well.

When drinking chamomile tea, remember to keep its teabag to apply it on your affected area since the analgesic properties can soothe the pain of the bunion. Additionally, you can mix 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile with water and then use this paste to massage your bunion about 15 minutes.


The compound in cumin is similar to turmeric thanks to the appearance of curcumin. So, using cumin is useful to stop pain and alleviate the inflammation that makes your bunion worse.

For this treatment, you only create a thick paste with cumin powder and olive oil. Then apply on your bunion within 20 minutes before washing with cold water. It’s best to perform 3 or 4 times every day.

Iodine and aspirin

With anti-bacterial properties, aspirin can stop bacteria, take off dead skin cells and decrease irritation of the skin. Moreover, it holds acetylsalicylic acid that prevents calluses on your foot.

What’s more, if you mix aspirin into iodine, you will make an active mixture that can stop the abnormal development on your big toe and get rid of the inflammation in your joint well.

How to get rid of a bunion with this excellent combination?

  • Crush 5 aspirin tablets into powder and mix with 10 ml iodine.
  • Stir well until the iodine is colorless or getting an ideal paste.
  • Apply it to your bunion every night or you can cover it with a bandage.
  • Make sure you leave it overnight.
  • Remember to do frequently for best results.
Epsom salt

Using Epsom salt to deal with the bunion is rather useful since it has magnesium sulfate, which is famous for alleviating pain and soothing inflammations. Besides, it’s know to support the decalcifying process of the big toe joint, helping to reduce the pain effectively.

Epsom salt is another useful natural remedy
Epsom salt is another useful natural remedy

The best way is to mix Epsom salt in a tub of warm water and soak your feet within 20 minutes. Use once or twice every day to decrease your bunion’s size.

Tape your bunion

Taping your foot within 1 or 2 weeks will make your toes move back to the natural position. It’s considered as an old treatment of eliminating a bunion. However, it’s best to ask your doctor to receive necessary support since you cannot do it alone.

Wear bunion splints at night

First of all, you need to know what a bunion splint is. It’s a device that physically pushes your big toe back into the correct alignment for greater comfort. And it’s mainly worn at night.

Although you can buy this device at your local drugstore, make sure to ask your doctor carefully to find the right one.

Some can push your big toe while the other pulls it over. Therefore, the most important thing is to buy the one that gives great comfort to your foot because you have to wear it when sleeping.

Learn how to use a bunion splint

Essential Oils for a bunion

Using essential oils is a beneficial method for treating pain, inflammation and reducing the size of bunions. It’s because they include powerful therapeutic properties including analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, etc. Moreover, these oils enhance blood circulation, stop blisters from creating, heal the tender tissue, and moderate pain.

Now, we will show you 2 excellent ways to use essential oils for dealing with bunions.

Massage with essential oils

Massaging with essential oils is really effective in enhancing the blood flow circulation to your toes and dissolving excess deposits of your joints. Besides, it aids to decrease the bunions’ size efficiently.

So, how to get rid of a bunion by massaging? Follow our guide to know!

  • Add 10 drops of olive oil and coconut oil/castor oil in a pan and warm up. Avoid overheating the oil, or it will damage your skin.
  • Take a clean, thin cloth and apply the oil to your affected areas.
  • Massage gently about 5-10 minutes with your fingers. It’s best to perform every night before going to bed. Or you can repeat 2-4 times a day until feeling relief.
  • Remember that this method often takes 6-8 weeks to work.

Soak the feet with essential oils

Aside from massage, you can try to soak your feet with essential oils to alleviate the inflammation of the bunion. Of course, this way also improves the blood circulation and relax your feet well.

Down here to know how to get rid of a bunion by soaking!

  • Prepare a tub with a gallon of hot water.
  • Then add 5 drops of lavender oil, peppermint oil and ½ cup of Epsom salt. Mix well.
  • Soak your feet about 20 minutes or more so that the warmth of water helps to decrease the soreness and tiredness of your feet.
  • If necessary, you can repeat more than once every day.

Top essential oils for treating a bunion

Castor oil

It can be said that castor oil is an excellent essential oil for treating bunions and even other foot issues.

It involves tannins, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Moreover, it has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-oxidation properties that are good in reducing inflammation. Especially, the antinociceptive properties are helpful to decrease foot pain and swelling related to bunions.

If you prefer to pick up the castor oil, please consult Namskara Organic Castor Oil.

Extracted from non-GMO castor seeds, this product is cold-pressed from 100% pure, all-natural and hexane-free castor bean plant. Hence, it guarantees the highest standards of quality that you feel safe when using to deal with your bunions.

How to get rid of a bunion by using castor oil?

  • Warm up a cup of castor oil firstly.
  • Then dip a clean cloth into the oil and put it on the bunion.
  • Use another towel to cover the cloth to keep the oil heated. Relying on that, you feel relief for your feet. It’s best to perform twice a day.
  • Or you can use this oil for massaging the bunion.

Organic Castor Oil

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Olive oil

How to get rid of a bunion with olive oil?

Well, this familiar essential oil includes anti-inflammatory phenolic compounds including oleocanthal and caffeic acid that helps to alleviate pain, stiffness, and tiredness in your feet. Moreover, it adjusts the synovial fluid that nourishes and lubricates the joints, softening the exterior layer of calcium and reducing the bunion’s size.

To show you the best choice of olive oil, we suggest the Organic Olive Oil from Renewalize.

Made in Spain and Italy, this product boasts 100% pure, unrefined oil since it’s gained from the first pressing. Besides, it’s USDA certified by CCOF for the highest quality.

As outlined above, you can combine both olive oil and castor oil for massaging the bunion. Or just warm some olive oils and then massage on your toes and bunion twice a day.


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Lavender oil

Lavender is of the mint family of Lamiaceae, and it’s native to Western and Eastern Europe, Mediterranean areas, and Africa [6]. In ancient times, people have been availing lavender oil and fresh/dried flowers for different medicinal aims.  

Actually, the lavender oil holds a long list of therapeutic compounds like antioxidant, analgesic, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, etc. Hence, it can alleviate the pains and swelling of bunions in no time. Especially, it’s the safest essential oil that can be availed topically.

The French Lavender Essential Oil from Pure Body Naturals is our top pick if you want to opt for this oil on how to get rid of a bunion.

This product is extracted via 100% steam distillation from 2 kinds of lavender plants including English Lavender and Lavandin Grosso from France. Since it’s not diluted, adulterated, and modified, you are guaranteed to receive the best quality.

Similar to using the essential oils above, you should warm some lavender oils or apply it directly to your affected areas. Massage gently within 15 minutes to decrease the pain and the size of bunions.

French Lavender Essential Oil Blend

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Foot exercises for a bunion

Aside from using different yet helpful treatments above, performing physical therapy exercises can help to rest your feet efficiently. Foot exercises or toe stretches will relieve your foot pain, restore flexibility of the big toe and decrease the bunion’s size over time.

Which exercises are best on how to get rid of a bunion? Down here to know!

Toe stretching

  • Look for a thick elastic band and place it surrounding both big toes.
  • Then turn the feet outward until feeling the stretch in the toes.
  • Try to hold this position about 1 minute before relaxing.
  • Perform about 15 minutes and twice per day.

Toe flexing

  • First of all, you need to arch the balls of the feet upward.
  • Then press the toes against a solid surface about 10 seconds.
  • Later, bend them in the opposite direction and continue holding about 10 seconds.
  • Repeat 3-4 times every day.

Sole cupping

  • With this exercise, you can sit on the floor to carry out.
  • Cup the sole of your affected area in the palm.
  • Next, move the fingers as far as possible between the toes.
  • Later, move the toes back and forth within 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat a few times a day.

Ball rolling

  • Find a tennis or golf ball and place under your foot. Make sure to put it beneath your toes’ mounds.
  • Sit on a chair and start rolling the ball back and forth.
  • Do about 5-10 times every day. This exercise is rather suitable when you’re at work.

Watch this video to know more exercises

Lifestyle changes for a bunion

The final treatment on how to get rid of a bunion without surgery is to make lifestyle changes. Continue following us to find out now!

Wear barefoot

When going barefoot, the feet will be in a natural position and strengthen the muscles instead of fitting them to the shape of the shoes. It’s advisable to wear barefoot for those who haven’t created bunions but are in the risk group.

Unfortunately, in case your bunions are painful, walking barefoot is not a good idea. Hence, it’s best to walk only on thick carpets or select thick padded socks or slippers to wear.

Change the shoes and how to find the right ones

As outlined above, having an uncomfortable pair of shoes makes the bunions worse since they stop the blood flow as well as the synovial fluid to run through the foot. So, if they’re too small, stop using instantly.

Change the shoes and find the right one which is comfortable
Change the shoes and find the right one which is comfortable

Wearing supportive shoes with good arches or padding helps to decrease the stress of the big toe and allow enough space to the toe. Besides, they improve the blood circulation effectively.

But, you also consult some tips below to know how to choose the proper shoes.

  • The shoes should be made of a pliable material such as leather.
  • Always measure the correct size of shoes and make sure your big toes don’t touch the end of the shoes while wearing.
  • And remember to leave enough space to use bunion shoe inserts.
  • If you prefer the heels, keep in mind to let your feet rest once in a while.
  • Avoid wearing shoes with high heels and pointed toes because they might pull the joint of your big toe out and make the bunions worse.
  • If you still doubt about which shoes to buy, you should ask your doctor for advice.

Try wearing a protective bunion pad

How to get rid of a bunion with a protective bunion pad?

It’s basically oval-shaped with a cut-out hole that can be fit over the affected area of the bunion. Using these pads helps to reduce friction created by your shoes as well as the pressure on the bone.

Use orthotics

Orthotics help to delay the development of a bunion via improving gait alignment and foot function. Moreover, they can help the big toe push off straight through removing the unsafe ground reaction forces pushing the toe sideways. What’s more, they improve the first MPJ joint function, decrease the pain, and slow down any arthritic change in your joint.

Although you can visit your local drugstore to buy orthotics, make sure to ask your doctor’s guidance before buying.

Stop activities that lead a bunion

You need to stop any activities that require the constrictive shoes like ballet dancing, jogging, running, playing basketball or you can consult your doctor to know more. As you know, wearing these shoes will lead to the bunion and even make them worse if you don’t notice. Hence, it’s best to avoid doing the activity in shoes that are not healthier for the feet.

How to get rid of a bunion with conventional treatment?

Aside from the natural remedies for treating the bunions above, there are some conventional methods of dealing with this annoying and painful issue [7].

Although most people prefer something nonsurgical, in case you’re experiencing the extreme pain or your feet are no longer fit the shoes, it’s time to consult your doctor. He will diagnose your condition by basing on examination of physical pain, symptoms and discussing your experience, lifestyle, and shoes.

In some cases, X-rays are necessary to determine whether you get the bunions or not. However, an increase of your big toe is enough for the doctor to make his decision.  

How to get rid of a bunion with conventional treatment? Down here and to know now!

Over-the-counter medications

Your doctor might suggest nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate swelling and pain in your foot and big toe created by a bunion including naproxen and ibuprofen.

Use anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate pain
Use anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate pain

Although they are over-the-counter medications, he will give the correct dose and the length of treatment to prevent side effects. In case they don’t ease your bunion well, he will suggest a prescription medication.

Prescribed pain medication

Sometimes, a small steroid injection might be effective in decreasing pain from your bunion, at least better than using an oral anti-inflammatory medication. But, the problem is that the relief is temporary since the bunion may become inflamed again when experiencing friction or any effect causing the foot pain.

In case your doctor suspects the bunions are an infection of your big toe joint, he will take a fluid sample from your feet and test it. If he discovers an infection, he will prescribe an antibiotic on how to get rid of a bunion.

Chiropractic care

Recently, availing the chiropractic care is quickly acquiring popularity as one of the most efficient ways of controlling pain without the intake of drugs.

This treatment includes the use of chiropractic principles for the movement of the joints caused by bunions. It helps to reduce the stiffness in these joints that is the main cause of bunion pain. By performing gentle movement and manipulation of the affected areas, your pain reduces soon.

The chiropractic care for bunions highlights the selection of the correct shoes as well. If necessary, podiatrists suggest the shoes that are widest at the end of the toe and have no or little toe spring. Plus, they recommend toe-spacing products that can help your big toe move toward the outside of your foot.

According to a study in Foot Journal in 2011, 30 patients were divided into 2 groups including 15 ones for using a night splint and 15 ones for applying manipulative therapy.

Although there were no clinical and statistical differences between two groups after two weeks, the group receiving manipulative therapy had improved scores in the next week. Meanwhile, the remaining group showed a decrease in scores. Hence, researchers agreed that the manipulative therapy might be another practice way on how to get rid of a bunion [8].

Watch this video to know better

Bunion surgery

Talking to your doctor about surgery is considered as the last option, and it’s only necessary when a bunion has appeared for a long treatment. Or in case you are not willing to change shoes or wear shoe inserts to adjust the pressure you give on your feet.

The surgeon will shave the bone of the big toe and rearrange the big toe with the others. Depending on your doctor’s requirement, you’re assigned the most suitable surgery.

Additionally, you should know that performing a surgery gives some potential dangers like wound infection, decreased sensation in the big toe or recurrence of the bunion. Of course, the doctor will discuss these complications with you so that you can make a decision.

So, if you decide to carry out the surgery on how to get rid of a bunion, you need to follow up proper exercises and lifestyle changes later in order to prevent future inflammation and pain.

Exercises after bunion surgery

The best activity after the bunion surgery is to let it heal. Then if your doctor permits you to do exercises, it’s best to perform manipulation ones.

  • Firstly, you need to grasp your toe with your thumb and forefinger above your toe joint.
  • Then use the other hand to hold the area under the toe joint.
  • Next, pull in either direction and allow the toe to remain straight.
  • Later, push the toe downward and upward, holding about 3-5 seconds.

By performing this exercise, you help to regain movement in the big toe. Besides, using your big toe to write out the alphabet letters on the floor when swiveling your ankle and flexing your foot is rather effective.

In case your recovery develops, it’s time to receive a deeper stretch in your ankle and foot.

Begin to loop a resistance band surrounding the arch of your foot or ask someone to do for you. Then grip the ends of the band in either hand and use it to direct your ankle in different directions. Remember to stop if feeling hurt.

Exercises after bunion surgery
Exercises after bunion surgery

Physical therapy after bunion surgery

How to get rid of a bunion by performing physical therapy?

After surgery, resting about 1 or 2 weeks is a necessity. Then you need to do a reduced range of motion by moving and flexing the foot and big toe in order to reduce stiffness, recovery time, and scarring. Remember to ask your physical therapist so that he can guide you how to do.

After the seventh week, you need to increase the intensity of the exercises a bit. Aside from stretching your toe, you should try to stand up on the toes about 10 seconds or walk uphill to strengthen and flex the toe. Or you can ask your doctor which exercises you can do at home, how often to do, and how to increase gradually.

Another BIG note you should avoid is not to wear your old shoes like high heels before your doctor say it’s OK. Normally, you need to wait at least 6 months. Additionally, you have to follow his prescribed medication if necessary.

Weight-bearing after bunion surgery

Although you can go home within hours after surgery, it’s advised not to bear weight on foot instantly.

For the first days, you might need the crutches to avoid bearing weight on the foot. After the first week, it’s okay to put more pressure and only use the crutches as support until you don’t need to use them anymore.

Besides, wearing special shoes to support your feet and give more comfort during weight bearing should be prescribed by your doctor after surgery. But, it’s best not to use the shoes that are too fit and pointy.

Precautions to consider on treating a bunion

After finishing all treatments on how to get rid of a bunion, we suggest you should continue consulting precautions below know how to avoid the appearance of bunions.

  • Maintaining an average weight is necessary since excessive weight might increase the pressure on the joint of your toes and lead to the pain and bone abnormality.
  • The comfortable shoes are the best choice. Avoid using tight shoes or high heels all the time.
  • It’s advised to wear the shoes with a wider area for the big toe so that it never reaches the end of the shoe.
  • Make sure you follow some exercises that are listed above. Try to perform whenever taking off the shoes to relax your muscles.
  • Aside from carrying out the home remedies, it’s also beneficial when using pads to protect your involved toe. This is useful for preventing the development of the bunion.
  • Using the special shoe insert will help the realignment of the feet bones and get rid of bunions. Remember to ask your doctor before buying one.

FAQs about how to get rid of a bunion

Can the bunions come back?

It depends. Recurrence might happen, but not particularly.

If your feet still receive excessive motion, the bunions might be recurrent. Besides, if you’re performing a procedure that is not suitable for your condition, the bunions will come back.

Is bunion surgery suggested for children?

The truth is that children can get bunion, created from a structural misalignment of their big toe joint. Or those with flat feet tend to have a high chance of bunions, particularly girls.

In case the surgery is unavoidable, the doctors often suggest waiting until the children’s skeletal maturity. And this often takes place after age 13-15 (girls) and 15-17 (boys).

How much does it cost to have a bunion removed?

Depending on the complication of the procedure and where you are living, the bunion surgery might cost between $3,000 to $4,700.

But, remember that it is the last resort on how to get rid of a bunion. Normally, your doctor will suggest the nonsurgical treatments first. Until you’re not okay and feel pain all the times, he might recommend surgery.

How long does it take to recover from a bunion surgery?

After the bunion surgery, you need about 6-8 weeks to recover. It’s because this is the average time for your bone healing. However, some can take a full recovery within 4-6 weeks.

Can you walk after bunion surgery?

It’s okay to walk in a bunion shoe instantly after surgery as long as your case is mild and moderate. In case your bone is further away from your big toe joint, it’s necessary to use the crutches. Even you might use them within 6 months if your bunions are too large.

In short, all depend on the suggestions of the surgeon.

Are you put to sleep for the bunion surgery?

No, you’re still awake.

Most surgeries are done under ankle block anesthesia, in which your foot is unfeeling. Sometimes, spinal or common anesthesia is used.

How painful is bunion surgery?

Since surgeon will numb your foot with a long-acting anesthetic, you feel relief. Moreover, using narcotics and/or anti-inflammatories after the operation helps to reduce the pain.

But, keep in mind that it’s a surgery. So, you might experience some pain during the first days later.

Are foot bunions hereditary?

In point of fact, if your father or mother has a bunion, you will highly inherit the same condition. It’s because foot disorders are often hereditary. However, you can do things to slow down the rate of bone enlargement and try to stop a painful bump from creating.

Of course, don’t forget to follow and perform our treatments above.

Final thoughts

Now, you’ve had yourself all the best treatments on how to get rid of a bunion from natural to conventional. Make sure you approach them with patience and don’t forget to consult your doctor for more advice.

Or if you used to get and treat the bunions successfully, don’t mind sharing your ideas in the box below. We’re glad to discuss with you.

And in case you reckon that this article is useful for your friends and family, please SHARE it with them. Once again, thanks for reading!

How To Get Rid Of A Bunion: Natural Remedies And Conventional Treatments
4.7 (93.33%) 12 votes



  • Fullname

    Patricia Alexander

    I enjoy reading the post like this. How amazing and helpful it is! It shows many familiar tips that are simple and suitable for us. Now, I don’t have to be worried anymore when I suddenly get a bunion. Thank you so much!

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Your great compliment means a lot to us. All of your support and contribution will help us to make our page better, so don’t hesitate to share with us your thought and any real experience after applying those ways. We are so thankful for that.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Veronica Clarke

    Using these tips sounds good! By the way, can bunions go away on their own? I would like to confirm that.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thank for leaving your question. We would like to confirm that bunions won’t disappear itself. And early treatment is extremely important. If the condition is mild, you may use home remedies. On the contrary case, you should consult your health provider for the best results.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Anthony Gow

    I am a ballet dancer, and I’m searching the Internet to find the information about this case. This post is exactly what I expect. I think those tricks are clear and easy enough for me to use. I will soon apply some of them and leave the response soon. Thank you for getting it for me.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thanks for leaving that compliment! We expect the above information is useful for not only you but other readers. Follow the guide and apply them step by step to gain the best results. Get well soon!

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Doreen Harper

    The tricks you share are great and simple. Anyway, I am supposed to be allergic to the essential oil. I know this because I used to have the allergic reaction on my body. So, I don’t think I can apply it in even this case. Right?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thank for leaving your concern. That’s right. You had better apply that way if you have the reaction to it. If you’re new to essential oils, before using, you should perform a test to check whether you might be allergic to them. You may mix a drop of essential oil with a teaspoon of olive oil and rub it on your inner elbow. Wait for about 60 minutes to see if there is any skin irritation. If something happens, wash the area with warm water and mild soap and don’t use the essential oil anymore. Hope that it is useful to you.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    John Harris

    Have you tried Aloe Vera? It also worked well in this case. I rub Aloe Vera gel on the affected areas, and I feel it becomes better. Another way is drinking the ¼ cup of Aloe Vera juice or washing the area with Aloe Vera juice. Let’s apply it to get rid of the bunions.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thanks for your sharing. Yes, aloe vera is considered as a natural and effective remedy for many kinds of diseases. We hope many people may apply it successfully in this case. We welcome more of your contribution in the other posts, so don’t hesitate to share with us. Thanks again.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Gregory Murray

    Those tips sound great! I wonder if they can get rid of the bunion immediately. I need the best and fastest way to remove the pain.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      We suppose that’ a worth considering issue. Not all ways are perfect and the time for the remedies to remove the bunion depends on the severity of it. Anyway, those tips will provide assistance to speed up the recovery process. In fact, all processes need time and patience.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    John Newman

    I have applied red pepper as your guide and see positive results. Beside your ways, I have combined a teaspoon of chopped red pepper with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and massage the sore joint for 15 minutes daily. Despite experiencing the little stinging sensation, it helps me to ease the pain very well.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thanks for sharing such honest feedback. By the way, if you’re not used to the stinging sensation, you should first use the red pepper on a small patch, then increase it gradually. If you have any great ideas, don’t hesitate to comment below.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Leslie Parsons

    I have a curious question here. May I apply warm compress but not the cold therapy?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      That’s our pleasure to help you answer this question. That is fine. In reality, it is stated that hot compresses can also assist in curing the bunion and hot water compression should be applied. Anyway, it is also proved ice packs are better than hot water compresses in this case.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Peter Thompson

    So awesome and informative! I mean your post. I haven’t experienced this problem, anyway, that doesn’t mean it will not happen. I will pay much attention to what you list to avoid those symptoms. I am waiting for other helpful content as well. Keep it up!

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thank you for your huge support. When it comes to health issues, it is important for us to be careful with signs of diseases and the right ways to treat them. We hope you find out appropriate tips here to get ready when they suddenly happen. If you have any concerns, leave them here. We will answer you as soon as possible.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Maurice Woods

    My little daughter is suffering from bunions. May I apply these home remedies for her? How about the surgery? I need advice. I am waiting for your answer.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thanks for your comment! Here, we don’t know exactly her age as well as his condition, so it is not easy for us to give you the exact answer. If she is a little kid, some of the remedies are not highly recommended, and you had better consult the ideas of doctors. Moreover, the surgery is only conducted after the bones have grown fully between the ages of 14 to 16 years. In a word, you should visit the doctor for the best results. Hopefully, this information is useful to you.

      6 years ago

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