How To Get Rid Of Fordyce Spots: Conventional Treatment And Natural Remedies

June 4, 2018

Jelly Bell

How To Get Rid Of Fordyce Spots: Conventional Treatment And Natural Remedies

Table of Contents [ Hide ]

1. Introduction

2. What are Fordyce spots?

3. What causes Fordyce spots?

4. Symptoms of Fordyce spots

4.1. Appearance

4.2. Color

4.3. Location

4.4. Pain or itchiness

4.5. Complications

5. Risk factors of Fordyce spots

6. Are Fordyce spots contagious?

7. Is there a test for Fordyce spots?

8. Differentiate diagnosis

8.1. Fordyce spots vs. Herpes

8.2. Fordyce spots vs. genital wart:

8.3. Fordyce spots vs. folliculitis

8.4. Fordyce spots vs. another confusing dermatological condition

9. How long does it take to get rid of Fordyce spots?

10. How to get rid of Fordyce spots

11. How to get rid of Fordyce spots with conventional treatment?

11.1. Laser treatment

11.2. Micro-punch treatment

11.3. Photodynamic therapy

11.4. Cryotherapy

11.5. Cauterization/ Electrodessication

11.6. Using topical prescription cream

11.7. Taking pills

12. How to get rid of Fordyce spots with home remedies

12.1. Drink a lot of water

12.2. Turmeric powder

12.3. Aloe vera gel

12.4. Garlic

12.5. Lemon

12.6. Apple cider vinegar

12.7. Ginger

12.8. Stinging nettle

12.9. Oatmeal bath

12.10. Honey

12.11. Vanilla and sugar scrub

12.12. Chamomile and comfrey treatment

12.13. Vegetable remedy

13. How to get rid of Fordyce spots by using essential oils

13.1. Coconut oil

13.2. Olive oil

13.3. Jojoba oil and Argan oil

13.4. Essential oil mix

14. How to get rid of Fordyce spots by changing your lifestyle and diet?

14.1. Remain good hygiene

14.2. A healthy lifestyle with a lot of vitamin in your diet

15. Additional Tips and Lifestyle Hacks to get rid of Fordyce spots

16. How to prevent Fordyce spots

17. Q&A

17.1. Is Fordyce spots a disease?

17.2. What does a bump on your lip mean?

17.3. How to get rid of Fordyce spots on your penile shaft?

17.4. So how to get rid of Fordyce spots permanently? Are there any methods available?

18. Bottom Line


Do you happen to discover a group of white bumps with no sign of soreness and redness on your lips or your genital area? Don’t be scared that you may have some kind of contagious disease, what you are having is probably a condition that also affects millions of people in the world: Fordyce spots.

In this article, you will learn about this strange-named yet common condition. What it is, how to distinguish it from other conditions, how to prevent it and most importantly, how to get rid of Fordyce spots with both conventional treatment and natural remedies.

What are Fordyce spots?

Fordyce spots are small whitish-yellow bumps that appear on the edge of your lips or the inside of your cheeks. Less frequently, it also can be found in the genital area: the shaft of the penis, scrotum for men and labia for women.

Fordyce spots or Fordyce granules are named after John Addison Fordyce, the American dermatologist that discover it. This condition is actually prevalent: it affects about 70 to 80 percent of the population at some point in their lives [1].

Fordyce spots
Fordyce spots are small whitish-yellow bumps that appear on the edge of your lips or the inside of your cheeks

What causes Fordyce spots?

Sebaceous glands or oil glands excrete a waxy matter called sebum into the hair follicle to lubricate and waterproof the skin. In case of Fordyce spots, there is no hair follicle, so the sebum is built up and lead to raised bumps.

Usually, Fordyce spots present at birth but only become visible when you hit puberty since the hormone change can make sebaceous glands work more and enlarge the spots. Some research even shows that the granules become more evident as you get older [2].

Symptoms of Fordyce spots

How to tell if you have Fordyce granules? These are some signs that will help you identify this condition before trying to get rid of them:


Small bumps with 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter. Those bumps can be found as single spots, but more commonly they cluster together. Fordyce spots are usually visible to the naked eyes but sometimes can be unsightly. It may only be seen during erection (with males), bikini wax or after stretching the surrounding area.


Reddish, yellow or skin colored. Reddish and skin colored are because sebaceous glands are protruding from under the skin or the mucous membrane. The yellow color, on the other hand, probably the color of accumulated sebum in the spots.


It can be found on the vermillion border of the lips, inside the cheeks and genital.

fordyce spots on the cheeks
Fordyce spots

Pain or itchiness

You will not feel any other symptoms accompanying with Fordyce spots. However, in some rare case, these spots can bleed during intercourse.


Fordyce spots can become infected or inflamed if you squeeze them. However, this is not likely since the spots are usually very small and hard for you to break open.

The main bad impact of Fordyce spots is actually on psychology. The appearance and location that resemble STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) can make affected people misunderstand and feel afraid, anxious or even depressed. The bumps also can make them feel embarrassed and lose confidence during social contact or in front of their partner.

Risk factors of Fordyce spots

Although Fordyce spots affect a wide range of the population, some factors may play some roles in the appearance of this condition.

Firstly, Fordyce granules are more prominent in men as the male to female ratio is 2:1 according to the journal Clinical Case Reports and Reviews. Moreover, people with oily skins also are more likely to have Fordyce spots [3]. It’s quite easy to understand as Fordyce spots result from blocked sebum excreted from sebaceous glands.

On the other hand, Fordyce spots are linked to other serious diseases like rheumatic disorder or colorectal cancer. 86,7 percent of patients with hereditary colorectal cancer have Fordyce spots in the lower gum or vestibular mucosa [3]. This phenomenon gives some scientists an idea to use the presence of Fordyce spots to evaluate which family might be at risk of colorectal cancer.

Another study shows that Fordyce spots can be associated with hyperlipidemia – the high level of blood lipid condition. This disorder can lead to many cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, vascular occlusion and so on.

How do Fordyce spots have a connection with those diseases is still unknown. However, the critical point of this part is to remember that those factors above can make you more likely to have Fordyce spots, not the other way around. So you don’t need to worry about those spots as if they are a sign of any disease. You will not get rid of Fordyce spots by treating those illnesses and vice versa.

Are Fordyce spots contagious?

The answer is no. Fordyce spots have nothing to do with any STDs, and there is no virus or bacteria play behind this condition. It is harmless and people try to get rid of Fordyce spots is only for the cosmetic purpose.

Is there a test for Fordyce spots?

Well, no. Dermatologists can diagnosis it with their bare eyes based on appearance. In some cases, to differentiate it from other condition, they might perform a biopsy. Your doctor will take a sample of tissues and look at it under the microscope.

Differentiate diagnosis

How to tell whether the bumps that you are having are Fordyce granules or not, right? Although the spots are completely harmless, they can be misidentified with other conditions, especially STDs. Trying to get rid of those diseases is another serious problem and should not be overlooked. Here are some guides that hopefully can help you tell which is which:

Fordyce spots vs. Herpes

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by herpes virus. It can be mistaken with Fordyce spots as they appear in the same area: your lips and your genitals.
So how to distinguish between those two?  First of all, while Fordyce spots bring no symptoms so that mostly we only notice them by accident, herpes lesion are red blisters that can bring painful, sore or itchy sensation.

You can’t get rid of herpes virus, but the lesions can disappear on their own after an outbreak and only pop up again in time of stress. Fordyce spots, on the other hand, are able to fade away by themselves as well, but usually stay permanently on your skin.

Fordyce spots vs. genital wart:

Like herpes, genital warts are an abnormal contagious condition that is caused by HPV (human papillomavirus). It can spread during a skin-to-skin contact through abrasion, a cut, a small tear in your skin or most commonly, during intercourse.

Genital wart is another STDs that can be confused with Fordyce spots, especially during an early stage of genital warts when the warts are about the same size with Fordyce spots. To differentiate between them, you need to know that genital warts can enlarge over time and develop into cauliflower-like bumps instead of having “goosebump” or “chicken-skin” look of Fordyce spots.

Genital wart is another STDs that can be confused with Fordyce spots
Genital wart is another STDs that can be confused with Fordyce spots

Warts also can appear on the anus region which is not a location of Fordyce spots. Moreover, women with HPV infection are at risk of having cancer of the cervix and vulva – a dangerous disease. In contrast, Fordyce spots are innocuous and will not put you at risk of having any illnesses.

How unfortunate is that there are still no methods to get rid of HPV entirely. Medications and self-care are only managed to reduce the symptoms. Having safe sex and getting HPV vaccine during puberty is the best thing to do, especially with women to prevent cervical cancer.

Fordyce spots vs. folliculitis

The most significant difference between these two conditions is that whereas folliculitis’s cause is hair follicle inflammation, Fordyce spots’ reason is the ectopic located sebaceous glands in no-hair-follicle areas.

Visually, hair follicles in folliculitis condition have red, bumpy appearance accompanying with pustules around the follicles and itchy or painful sensation. Fordyce spots, on the other hand, have no associated symptoms.

How to treat folliculitis? You can successfully get rid of them by using antibiotics or topical cream and good hygiene. Regarding Fordyce spots, the problem is a bit more complicated, as we’ll go into detail later. However, we can spoil that some treatments or remedies can be applied to folliculitis or other dermatological conditions too. Pay attention to the upcoming part about “how to get rid of Fordyce spots”!

Fordyce spots vs. another confusing dermatological condition

Epidermoid Cysts

A benign condition that caused by the build-up of keratin – a natural protein in your body – below the skin. In comparison to Fordyce spots, the cysts are significantly bigger and contain thick, stinky pus.

Milium cysts

Like epidermoid cysts, the milium cysts are also formed from keratin accumulation as a result of some previous damage to the skin. Their looks are very similar to Fordyce spots, but milium cysts can show up in any part of your face, not only the lips in particular like Fordyce spots.

Basal cell carcinoma

This is a type of skin cancer. The lesions come in various forms such as red patches, bump or white waxy lesions and they can be ruptured or bleed. Also, the lesions can appear anywhere on your skin, especially the part that is frequently exposed to sunlight.

Regarding Fordyce spots, they are only innocuous spots and only pop up in your lips, cheek or your genitals. By the way, the spots are hard and not likely to bleed or ruptured.

Overall, how to get rid of something that you don’t even know what it is, right? Even though we can give the information to you to distinguish between Fordyce spots and other conditions, the evaluation should be taken under professional eyes. For the sake of your safety, please ask for your doctor advice.

How long does it take to get rid of Fordyce spots?

Good news is that Fordyce spots can disappear over time, so you don’t have to do anything. The bad news is that in many cases, they may not go away and no one knows how specifically “over time” means.

So if Fordyce spots become your main concern and affected your confidence regarding self-appearance, looking for treatment is necessary. There are several ways to send Fordyce granules away, so there is also a wide range amount of time of how long does it take to get rid of Fordyce spots. There more invasive the method is, the shorter does it take to get rid of those spots.

For example, if you choose to go with the micro-punch method, the spots will go away immediately after the procedure but if you decide to use home remedy as a safer and more economical choice, it may take several months or even more. We will discuss it in detail in the next section: how to get rid of Fordyce spots.

How to get rid of Fordyce spots

This is the part that all of you must have been waiting for. Again, we must repeat that trying to dispose of Fordyce spots should be for cosmetic reasons only as they are not a health problem. To get rid of Fordyce spots, there are four methods that you can consider taking. We will go through them one by one:

  1. Conventional treatment
  2. Using home remedies
  3. Using essential oils
  4. Changing your lifestyle and diet

How to get rid of Fordyce spots with conventional treatment?

Conventional methods are widely professional accepted therapies. First thing first, please consult with your doctor. He or she will not only reassure you that what you are having is not other serious problems but also advise you to use the most suitable solution among these following conventional treatments:

Laser treatment

This is one of the most common invasive cosmetic procedure that is applied to not only Fordyce spots condition but also many other skin problems like wrinkles, acne, discoloration and so on.

So how does it work? To get rid of Fordyce spots, the doctors will use a concentrated beam of light to remove any abnormal skin lesions. The heat seals the skin around the wound will minimize pain and scar.

There are two types of laser treatments that your doctor will probably mention that is CO2 laser and pulsed dye laser. CO2 laser is the most common choice and has been used to treat many skin conditions for a long time with beautiful outcomes. However, it may leave a scar so it may not be an excellent option for Fordyce spots on the face.

The pulsed dye laser, on the other hand, is less likely to leave a scar but it comes with a higher price than CO2 laser. Overall, they are both great choices but can be an overkill for a condition like Fordyce spots. Multiple sessions may be needed but some case studies show some great result as there is no recurrence of Fordyce spots within a year.

If you decide to use laser treatment, please talk to your doctor to see which procedure between the CO2 laser and pulsed dye laser is more appropriate for your budget and condition.

Micro-punch treatment

How does micro-punch treatment help to get rid of Fordyce spots? During this procedure, there is a small pen-like device to punch through your skin and remove unwanted tissues. It sounds scary, but the doctors will apply local anesthetic before to eliminate the pain so you won’t feel a thing.

There are some advantages of using micro-punch in comparison to laser treatment. Firstly, they don’t leave any scar. Secondly, since the tissues are preserved (in the opposite of being destroyed by heat in laser treatment), the doctor can still perform a biopsy to rule out other serious conditions like genital warts or cancer.

In addition to that, dozens of Fordyce spots can be removed in a minute with micro-punch treatment. And finally, the effect lasts longer than laser treatment. A study in the Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery has shown that Fordyce spots don’t pop up in patients using micro-punch procedure after a year [3].

Photodynamic therapy

A substance called 5-aminolevulinic acid is applied to the affected area or taken orally. Once it concentrates in abnormal skin cells, under an appropriate light source, this chemical is activated and react with oxygen to kill Fordyce spots’ tissues.

Previously, photodynamic therapy has been used to treat conditions like acne or cancer successfully. Regarding Fordyce spots, this method is relatively new but has been reported some promising results. One downside of it is that it can be costly. Besides, after the procedure, your skin become temporarily sensitive to sunlight, and you may experience many side effects such as blistering, pain, erythema or edema.


Cryotherapy is the method using low temperature for medical purpose. This therapy has been really popular to help people relieve stress, anxiety and muscle pain in the spa or similar setting. However, while we are talking about how to get rid of Fordyce spots, this process must use much lower temperature to freeze off those spots and be handled by a professional’s hands.

Cryotherapy is less invasive than laser or micro-punch treatment. However, the process can be uncomfortable and require multiple sessions. Most common side effects are redness, irritation, and tingling.


Cauterization/ Electrodessication

This procedure will utilize heat to burn off Fordyce spots. The surgeon will use a fine probe or a hyfrecator instrument that is electrically heated to apply to the spots. Cauterization is relatively budget-friendly, and you usually need only one session. Besides, the process is rapid too but can leave scar afterward so you probably shouldn’t use this option to get rid of Fordyce spots on the lip.  

Using topical prescription cream

If you are leaning towards some less invasive treatment, how about using topical prescription cream? There is some evidence suggest that hormonal imbalance during puberty, menopause, and pregnancy can contribute to the appearance of Fordyce spots, just like what it does with acne. Therefore, some pimple treatment cream is able to get rid of Fordyce spots sometimes.

On the other hand, clindamycin cream is really helpful in case you have inflammation sebaceous glands (this condition is rare, though). Besides, topical exfoliating acid like bichloracetic or trichloroacetic acid is usually prescribed along with laser treatment to boost the effect [2].

Taking pills

As we mentioned before, hormonal imbalance can trigger Fordyce granules formation so controlling your hormone level may be the answer to the question how to get rid of Fordyce spots.

Contraceptive may do the trick the same way that it does with acne to balance hormonal with females. Also, taking note isotretinoin [4]. Oral isotretinoin takes months to show its effect but the result last in long-term.

However, just like any other drugs, there are always possible side-effects such as inflammation or itchiness. With isotretinoin, the most dangerous risk of it is congenital disabilities so it is used only for severe condition and a woman who is taking it should not have any children at that time.

How to get rid of Fordyce spots with home remedies

As we mentioned before, Fordyce spots can go away on their own, so if you are worried about the complications or cost of those treatments above, home remedies are here to help you. Even though there is no firm evidence about how efficient home remedies are to help you get rid of Fordyce spots, these options are still worth-trying as they can still at least make those spots less visible and your skin will become glowing anyway. These are some suggestions:

Drink a lot of water

Water is an essential substance to anyone, and it is always a simple yet still wonderful choice for any skin problems. Water prevents dehydration, detoxifies waste products through sweat or urine and boost your immune system.

Drink a lot of water
Drink a lot of water

By doing that, water makes your skin healthier, more firm and reduce excessive oil production caused by dehydration. The recommendation of amount of water is about 8 to 10 glasses of water per day for an adult.

Turmeric powder

Turmeric has been used in traditional medicine for thousands year to treat many problems like cut, scratches, wounds, infection, and diseases. How this Eastern herb become one of the most famous home remedies is unquestionable. So why not now using its healing power to get rid of Fordyce spots?

With antiseptic and anti-inflammatory nature, turmeric can be applied to inflamed hair follicle aka folliculitis – a condition that can be confused with Fordyce spots sometimes. Also, with its wonderful healing power, turmeric can clear out those Fordyce spots quickly.

Turmeric is a healing power to get rid of Fordyce spots
Turmeric is a healing power to get rid of Fordyce spots

You can make a turmeric paste by adding up turmeric powder with water with a ratio of 1 tsp: 1 tbsp or mix 1 tsp of turmeric with 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and one glass of water. Both methods will work perfectly fine on your skin. Apply to the affected area, wait for about half an hour and then rinse off with water. Do this once or twice a week and wait for the best outcome.

Aloe vera gel

Another spectacular natural remedy for your skin. Just like turmeric, aloe vera works as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and skin healer. In comparison to turmeric, treating Fordyce spots with aloe vera gel is easier. You cut through a stalk of aloe vera plant, apply the gel comes from inside of the stalk to your skin.

The gel is transparent (unlike the yellow color of turmeric), so you can do this anytime you want, and no one can tell. Repeat the process few times a day.


Garlic is the food with the amount of research about its benefits only less than turmeric. Eating a few cloves of garlic every day can potentially prevent or treat many illnesses like cold, hypertension, diabetes and even cancer. Regarding Fordyce spots, there are some positive reviews about the outcome of garlic treatment.

Topical usage of garlic is also available. Crush the garlic cloves, apply gently to the affected area gently, leave it overnight and then wash with water. The downside of this method is that you will experience burning sensation and irritation which is not appropriate for sensitive areas like genital or people with sensitive skin.


Lemon is also a natural disinfectant like garlic, aloe vera or turmeric powder. In addition, it can whiten your skin and clear out head black or acne which can be mistaken for Fordyce spots at times.

How to utilize lemon to get rid of Fordyce granules? The first choice is that using only lemon juice and applying to the spots. The second option is that mixing two cloves of garlic with 1-2 tablespoon of lemon juice. Crush the cloves and blend the mixology with 200 ml of water. Strain this liquid and store in a bottle. Apply it before you go to sleep and wash with lukewarm water in the morning. Wait for 1-2 weeks to see the result.

utilize lemon to get rid of Fordyce granules
Utilize lemon to get rid of Fordyce granules

Apple cider vinegar

How does apple cider vinegar works? It shrinks skin pores, therefore, releasing excessive sebum from them. Apple cider vinegar also contains antibacterial and anti-inflammation which can be useful.

To get rid of Fordyce spots, mix apple cider vinegar with water and then apply the liquid by using a cotton swab (vinegar can irritate your skin so mix it with water will decrease its acidity). Leave it for awhile and then wash it off.


Besides being an ingredient that adds up flavor to a delicious dish, ginger can be used for the cosmetic purpose as well. Ginger decrease sebum production. It is also a natural antihistamine which means it is less likely to cause allergy, good news for people with sensitive skin.

To maximize ginger’s effect, using ginger oil is the best option. But if you can’t purchase ginger oil, how can you make one for yourself?

First of all, add 3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a handful of ginger. After that, crush those ginger until they are broken down and blend the mixture with 200 ml of water. Put this liquid in an airtight lid covered jar and leave it outside in the sun. After a week, strain the mixture into another bottle and apply it to your skin to get rid of Fordyce spots.

Stinging nettle

The name of this plant comes from the slight stinging sensation when your skin brushed against it. Regardless of the discomfort it brings, stinging nettle has been used as a natural remedy for allergy, skin and urine problem since Ancient Greece. With Fordyce granules, it decreases sebum production – the main component of the spots – with its antihistamine quality.

On how to use this herbaceous perennial plant, you made a sting nettle paste by mixing sting nettle powder with a little bit of water. The powder can be made at home by crushing sting nettle dry leaves. To get rid of Fordyce spots, you should leave the paste for an hour and wash with water later. Keep using this recipe for 3 days and stop if there is no improvement.   

Oatmeal bath

Aside from being a delicious breakfast, oatmeal can also be applied to get rid of many skin conditions including Fordyce spots. Oatmeal can exfoliate your skin, absorb excess oil and unblocked pores that are accumulated with sebum. Oatmeal also serves as a natural moisturizer which will smoothen your skin and especially compatible to treat Fordyce spots in such sensitive part like genital area.

To make an oatmeal bath, grind a cup of raw oatmeal into powder. The texture should be as fine as possible to dissolve into water easily. In case you want to save some time, you can try to put the raw oats in a muslin or pantyhose bag and then place the bag into warm water. For additional effect, be creative and add any ingredient you like into the mix and then enjoy your own time!


Honey can be a powerful remedy to clear out Fordyce spots as well. With its antiseptic properties and smoothening effect, honey can prevent Fordyce spots’ infection and enhance skin healing. If you are concerned about how sticky honey can be, you can mix honey with a bit of essential oil (this will also boost honey’s effect to get rid of Fordyce spots quicker).

Honey can be a powerful remedy to clear out Fordyce spots as well
Honey can be a powerful remedy to clear out Fordyce spots as well

Vanilla and sugar scrub

This is a form of homemade natural exfoliation. As its name has already told, the recipe comprises cane sugar, vanilla and an optional oil (olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil, etc.). Gently scrub the affected area of Fordyce spots as the sugar particles can be a bit tough for your skin.

The face scrub will make Fordyce spots less visible by getting rid of the upper dead skin cells. Once or twice a week is how often you should try this method.

Chamomile and comfrey treatment

We have been discussing a lot about some homemade topical remedies. However, it’s still possible to get rid of Fordyce spots from the inside.

Chamomile and comfrey acquire anti-inflammation nature. Both of them have been used to treat wounds, rashes, itchiness or inflamed skin spots for a long time and now with Fordyce spots, those two have some great potentials. You can drink chamomile and comfrey tea to consume them, and they are very tasty and relaxing!

Vegetable remedy

We all know many benefits of vegetables regarding our health and our skin, but we suggest that getting rid of Fordyce spots should also be included. Asparagus with a lot of folic acid can reduce the appearance of Fordyce spots by decreasing sebum production. On the other hand, vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, E like broccoli or cabbage will accelerate the elimination of those spots on your body.

You can either add some of those vegetables in your meal or apply to your skin directly by extracting juice or making a paste.

To close up this part, this is a video for the recap of how you can use natural remedies to get rid of Fordyce spots:

How to get rid of Fordyce spots by using essential oils

Beside conventional treatment and home remedy, the third solution to dispose of Fordyce spots is using essential oils:

Coconut oil

Dry skin will secrete more sebum than usual to make up for the dehydration. However, this can be backfired as excessive secretion can lead to sebum accumulation in Fordyce spots and make those spots more prominent. To fix this problem, coconut oil moisturizes your skin and keep it smooth like a baby’s skin.

Apply coconut oil to your spots and wait for few hours before washing it off with water. We recommend you to do this once or twice a week. Mix coconut oil with a few drops of lavender essential oil for an antimicrobial and relaxing purpose.

Olive oil

We all are aware of the benefits olive oil bring to our health like improving metabolism, digestion, decreasing cholesterol level in blood, treating diabetes, heart problems and so on. How about using olive oil to get rid of Fordyce spots? Like coconut oil, olive oil hydrate your skin and prevent Fordyce spots from looking “bumpier.” Just applying olive oil to your Fordyce spots and wiping it off after an hour and that is enough.

Olive oil prevents Fordyce spots from looking “bumpier.”
Olive oil prevents Fordyce spots from looking “bumpier.”

Jojoba oil and Argan oil

How come jojoba oil and argan oil help you to get rid of Fordyce spots? Jojoba oil contains a high level of pore-shrinking substances and vitamin E which will tighten the skin pores. Argan oil, on the other hand, assist jojoba oil by balancing oil production.

What you need to do is that blending a few drops of both types of oil together and then rubbing it gently on your skin with clean fingers. Wait for 8-10 minutes, rinse off with water later.

Essential oil mix

These are what you need: 2-3 drops tea tree oil, 2-3 drops benzoin oil, 2-3 drops cabreuva oil, 1 tablespoon olive oil and finally, 1 tablespoon Scotch pine essential oil. Blend the oils and apply the liquid to the Fordyce spots. A couple of minutes are enough before rising off with lukewarm water and mild antibacterial soap.

Each essential oil in the mixture has its own contribution. Tea tree oil work as an antimicrobial to prevent Fordyce spots’ infection and inflammation; benzoin oil relieve dryness, and cabreuva oil promotes skin healing.

How to get rid of Fordyce spots by changing your lifestyle and diet?

If you decide to use home remedy instead of medical treatment to get rid of Fordyce spots, adjusting your lifestyle and diet is a crucial factor. It can not help you get rid of Fordyce spots entirely, but in combination with home remedy effects, the condition is able to improve and becomes less obvious:

Remain good hygiene

During puberty or pregnancy where hormone level increase significantly, keeping a clean skin with no excessive oil will lower the rate of having Fordyce spots. It will not get rid of the spots one hundred percent but doing your skin a favor is still a must to prevent pimples or blackhead, which is another kind of nightmare.

Use clarifying agents instead of just using water to unclog skin pores and wash away the dirt more effectively. You can use an exfoliating agent after like a loofah pad or some recipes that we recommend above in part “how to get rid of Fordyce spots with home remedies.” Wash your skin regularly, especially in the evening or after exercise.

A healthy lifestyle with a lot of vitamin in your diet

How typical is this advice, right? But as a part of our job, we still need to make sure you are aware of this when trying to get rid of Fordyce spots by yourself at home. Adding vitamin and essential nutrition in regular meals will accelerate the process of Fordyce spots’ elimination. Exercising, on the other hand, is another way of detoxification.

We mentioned before about how to get rid of Fordyce spots by using vegetable remedies. You can scroll back to see what you should add to your meal. Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage or asparagus and fruit like lemon or apple are great examples.

get rid of Fordyce spots by using vegetable remedies
Get rid of Fordyce spots by using vegetable remedies

Additional Tips and Lifestyle Hacks to get rid of Fordyce spots

If you are trying to make Fordyce spots disappear, besides using either conventional method or home remedy, these are some few last touches:

  • Fordyce spots will do no harm. It can diminish on its own as well so you can just leave it there. Most people try to get rid of it for cosmetic purpose only as it affect their confidence.
  • Avoid applying chemical on the affected area. This probably can make the problem worse.
  • Don’t try to squeeze it. This may lead to infection or inflammation and the spots are still going to appear again anyway.
  •  If you are having Fordyce spots in your genital, shaving your pubic hair is not a good idea since it can make the spots more noticeable. You can consider using laser hair removal instead (or you can just leave it there, of course).
  •  Home remedy is natural but it may not be friendly to anyone, especially people with sensitive skin. Just make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients in the home remedies’ recipe.
  • No remedy will do the magic over a night so be patient and wait for the result. If you don’t want to wait, switching to conventional method instead.
  • However, if the condition seemingly have no improvement and comes with additional symptoms like irritation, rash, itchiness, and so on, what you’re having may not be Fordyce spots. For the record, you should consult with your doctor before trying to get rid of Fordyce spots on your own to make sure you are aiming at the right target.

How to prevent Fordyce spots

“Rather than trying to get rid of Fordyce spots with either money-consuming medical treatment or time-consuming home remedy, isn’t it better to prevent it in the first place?”, You may ask. Unfortunately, as the cause of Fordyce spot is usually congenital and the risk factors of it are not well-studied enough, most of us (about 70-80% of the population if you still remember) cannot have “Fordyce spots immunity.”

However, there are still a few things that you can do to at least make Fordyce spots less noticeable. Practicing good hygiene, doing exercise frequently and having a healthy diet with a lot of vitamins are always good things to do. Those actions will benefit you no matter what.


Is Fordyce spots a disease?

No. Fordyce spots are only considered as a normal variation that doesn’t impair any function of your body.

What does a bump on your lip mean?

It could mean a lot of think. The bump can be a sign of allergy, herpes, folliculitis or other benign condition like epidermoid cysts, milium cysts, and even Fordyce spots as well. You can look into this in the “ Differentiate diagnosis” section, it’s just somewhere up there.

How to get rid of Fordyce spots on your penile shaft?

With conventional treatment, you can try laser, micro-punch, cryotherapy, cauterization or less invasive intervention like topical cream or pills. In case you want to use natural remedies, the remedy can only make the spots less visible. The options are aloe vera gel, turmeric, oatmeal bath, honey and so on.

Check out the previous part about “how to get rid of Fordyce spots with home remedies” to see the recipe and the instruction to use them. Remember to avoid or blend the remedies that may be harsh for skin like garlic or lemon though because the genital part is really sensitive.

So how to get rid of Fordyce spots permanently? Are there any methods available?

The answer is yes. More invasive methods like laser, micro-punch, photodynamic or cauterization treatments are reported to be a great help to get rid of Fordyce spots completely.

Bottom Line

We have just finished explained to you about “how to get rid of Fordyce spots” and a lot of information in advance to help you understand more about this condition. In case you have any further questions, our team is always available to answer!

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How To Get Rid Of Fordyce Spots: Conventional Treatment And Natural Remedies
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  • Fullname


    Thanks for the great article!

    Reply6 years ago

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    Jame Brown Charles

    Hi doctors. I went to the hospital and diagnosed with floating Fordyce spots in my lip. Doctors say do not need treatment because it is a normal physiological phenomenon, only aesthetic. I want laser treatment to remove Fordyce spots, but the doctor said that laser treatment would make it unpleasant. I am wondering whether use laser treatment or not. On the website, you say that can treat Fordyce spots by this method. Thank you!

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Fordyce spots are small particles usually yellowish, and white may contain sebum in the genital area, lips (located in optimistic position). This is benign granular, not harmful to health, not only beautiful aesthetic. There are many treatment methods (laser, RF) but still, have a recurrence rate depending on the treatment. Recently a German professor has reported engineered Micro-punch excision, or Micro-punch techniques result better, but even relapse and require treatment repeated. This new method is also used and is continuing research. Wish you happy and healthy.

      6 years ago

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    Patrick White Dylan

    I am 55-year-old, recently appeared red spots with white scales on the surface. My doctor diagnosed Dermatology Seborrheic dermatitis. After two weeks of treatment with creams Rodimus but the situation recurred after one week. Please advise if there is any medicine to cure it?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin inflammation caused by the amount of sebum produced too much on the skin surface. This condition is difficult to treat healed. These factors may help reduce the situation as follows:
      – Diets stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco, spicy, coffee.
      – Sugars.
      – Milk and dairy products.
      – Avoid hot and humid environment.
      – Skincare correctly: do not wash your face more than two times a day, do not use cleanser makes the skin dry, apply the cream for oily skin.
      Drugs depending on the condition may use topical or systemic (need to go to the doctor dermatologist for examination and consultation on disease).

      6 years ago

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    Stuart Hall Artemis

    Are there any cream for the treatment of Fordyce spots?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Fordyce spots or specialized dermatologist diagnosed sweat ducts a tumor is a benign lesion of the sweat glands, does not affect health, affecting only about aesthetics. Current treatment methods only by destroying as a laser, plasma that no topical or oral medications to treat this disease at all.

      6 years ago

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    Antonio Mersk

    I have white spots inside the cheeks for months now, my dentist said it was Fordyce spots but standing on the left side it is not symmetrical than the right. Is it normal for Fordyce spots?

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      Well. This is a normal variation seen inside the mouth. They are nothing but collections of sebaceous glands. Nothing to worry about it.

      6 years ago

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    Frank Selima

    2 weeks ago, the skin on the penis of my husband appeared tiny white pimples, hard, no pain, no itching. Sometimes the dead skin sprinkles and flakes off. What is disease my husband caught?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Hello! We thank you for sending us questions.
      Skin in the penis is also a part of the body should have spawned process and aging. The old skin can peel away dead cells or during activities using many antiseptic chemicals causing penis skin dryness, peeling. Another reason may be the pathological inflammatory genital area, in the early stages, some people do not feel pain or itching nothing, or minimal expression, without notice.
      With your husband’s case should review, he should change the mode of living, spacious dressing instead of regular underwear and hygiene genitals daily with clean water (do not use soap or cleaner). Should wear a condom when having sex to eliminate the element of infection if the disease. Need to track if your condition if not out after 1-2 weeks should consult a dermatologist at the conclusion will be correct about this situation.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Taylor Nora

    Seborrheic dermatitis in infants is called “Buffalo shit”?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Seborrheic dermatitis in infants, also known as Buffalo shit is usually a common, chronic dermatitis. This disease characterizes with erythematous exfoliative greasy, limited audience clear, focused primarily in many areas of skin on the scalp of sebaceous glands, such as face and body areas of the body. They call it seborrheic dermatitis.
      We call seborrheic dermatitis in infants is “Buffalo shit,” and it usually occurs in young children, especially in infants. Another form of the disease is the array scales with workmates erythema at the site such as eyebrows, behind the ears, cheeks, very mistaken by floating heatstroke, but when diagnosed, it is dermatitis details residue. The cause is possibly due to increased inflammatory response to fungal Malassezia furfur, is fungus craving fat often live in the sebaceous glands and the factors to genetics and environment may also influence the onset and evolution of seborrheic dermatitis.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Mendonca Zelda

    My buttock skin darken, acne grows much like a rash, no color, no pain, a white scaly dry skin after a time. Can you help me to explain?

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      Physiologically, many people have a dark buttock skin, but you should identify the area of ​​the buttocks.
      Currently, there is “acne grows much like rashes,” with itching or not? Spread over time or not? This coincides with the acne pores or not? You should go to a clinic dermatologist to determine precisely.

      6 years ago

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    Laurent Caryln

    3 random bald spots are coming in my beard around a large coin size. I have noticed it last two months, but it is not increasing. Kindly guide me what to do?

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      Hello. You should consult a dermatologist to find any local infection is patchy hair loss leads to

      6 years ago

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    Lynch Radley

    I have a white and some red spots around the shaft of my penis, which we did not get dropped even if I wash gently.

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      You are inflamed foreskin which is a fungal infection of the candida foreskin and glans penis. Red, itchy spots appears, swelling and cracking of the foreskin and inability to retract it. Call me or send photos for proper diagnosis and treatment.

      6 years ago

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    Thomas Cranmer Sarah

    I am 21-years-old. On my penis and scrotum grow grains like acne, hard, when there’s heavy white. But these spots make no itching, no blood or burning pain. These spots have appeared for three years. What is this disease? Is it affecting my reproductive function?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      You can see the appearance of tiny pimples on the penis, scrotum, but notes that does not cause itching, pain or burning for three years so you should not worry. These pimples can be Fordyce spots, the benign nature of these particles and not affect anything for reproductive health, as well as the functioning of your reproductive organs. Fordyce spots can appear in both men and women, and it does not spread to others because it is not pathological.
      So you should not worry, this phenomenon can only make you lose confidence in the aesthetic, it does not affect the sex. You should just genital hygiene clean, do not squeeze, very dependable as inflammation or infection genitals. If you see an inferiority complex, you may go to the hospital to physician dermatology laser burning support to help to reduce more physical inferiority.
      Wish you health.

      6 years ago

  • Fullname

    Teresa Castillo

    Hello! I’m 30 years old. Last week, I had my lip Fordyce spots removed in microsurgery. Is it okay if I swim, sunbathe or go to the sauna again? Please help!

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      Dear Teresa, it is highly recommended that you should protect your affected areas from UV rays for at least 3 months after the surgery. The exposure to strong sunlight can cause dark scars and spots. Moreover, avoid visiting the swimming pool as chlorinated water may lead to the discoloration of your skin. Postoperative edema can occur if you go to the sauna so be careful with it too.

      6 years ago

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    Jeannie Ward

    I have just had some ford spots removed from my labia, but there are still some sutures there. How long would it take me to be completely normal and have sex again?

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Generally, the surgical sutures will be eliminated after a week, and you can have sexual activities again after about 3 weeks.

      6 years ago

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    Tony Clark

    I used to have some tiny Fordyce bumps on my scrotum. In fact, they were harmless, and I just ignored them until they got bigger. I was so embarrassed during intercourse with my wife. Fortunately, she helped me to treat them using the mixture of vanilla and olive oil (we found this tip on the internet). It worked like magic. You should try this method right now.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      We are glad to hear that you can treat Fordyce spots with that remedy. Instead of olive oil, you can also try coconut oil, grape seed oil and mix them with some honey to stimulate the healing process. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your experience!

      6 years ago

    • Fullname


      That’s a slick answer to a challenging question

      6 years ago

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    Sidney Mack

    Why don’t I see chamomile flowers in this list? They work like a miracle to treat Fordyce issues. You can grind the flowers to make the powder. Then apply some water to make a paste. Put this paste on the affected areas overnight, and you will see the difference in a few weeks.

    Reply6 years ago

    • Fullname

      Jelly Jeff

      Thank you so much for sharing your great tip! It is such a big mistake of us not to include chamomile in the list, which is widely known as an effective natural treatment for skin lesions and bumps. We will soon notice this remedy with our readers.

      6 years ago

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    Brian Mccormick

    Recently, there have been some tiny yellow spots on my upper lip, and they do not cause any pain or itching. I think they are Fordyce spots. A friend of mine advised that I should try Isotretinoin treatment to remove the dots quickly. Is it safe to try this method? Are there any side effects?

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      In fact, Isotretinoin treatment can remove the bumps very well. But it has so many side effects that we do not recommend you to try. Many people have suffered from a headache, eyes irritation, urinary issues, dry skin, muscle pain, etc. Therefore, we think what you should do now is to seek out the help from your doctor. He will give you helpful advice and decide whether you should take the treatment or not. Good luck!

      6 years ago

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    Robinson Parker

    Are there any ways to prevent Fordyce spots from reoccurring? They looked disgusting on my upper lip, and I don’t want to see them again.

    Reply6 years ago

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      Jelly Jeff

      Sadly, there is no proven method that can completely protect you from Fordyce issues. However, according to some scientists, Fordyce spots can be caused by high fat intake, so you had better keep a balanced diet with enough vegetables as well as fruits.

      6 years ago

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